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Pepperoni Pizza Bombs: A Cheesy, Savory Snack

Pepperoni Pizza Bombs: A Cheesy, Savory Snack


2 tbsp melted butter: For brushing the dough for a golden, flavorful crust.

1 tsp garlic powder: Adds a garlicky kick to the butter topping.

1 tsp Italian seasoning: Provides classic pizza flavor.

1 can (8 oz) refrigerated biscuit dough: The base for these pizza bombs.

3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese: For that ooey-gooey cheesy center.

1/2 cup mini pepperoni slices: Adds savory, meaty flavor.

Optional Add-Ins

Marinara or pizza sauce: For dipping or adding inside.

Crushed red pepper flakes: For a bit of heat.

Chopped black olives, mushrooms, or green peppers: To mix up the flavors.

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Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Preheat the Oven

Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or lightly grease it with cooking spray.

2. Prepare the Butter Topping

In a small bowl, mix the melted butter, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning. Set aside for brushing later.

3. Prepare the Dough

Separate the biscuit dough into individual pieces. Flatten each biscuit into a 4-inch circle using your hands or a rolling pin.

Place a small handful of shredded mozzarella cheese (about 1 tablespoon) and mini pepperoni slices in the center of each dough circle.

4. Seal the Pizza Bombs

Carefully fold the edges of the dough up and around the filling, pinching it tightly at the top to seal.

Roll the dough into a smooth ball, ensuring no gaps or openings.

5. Arrange and Brush

Place the dough balls seam-side down on the prepared baking sheet.

Brush the tops with the prepared butter mixture to give them flavor and help them brown beautifully.

6. Bake

Bake in the preheated oven for 12–15 minutes, or until the dough is golden brown and cooked through.

7. Serve

Remove the pizza bombs from the oven and let them cool for a few minutes.

Serve warm with a side of marinara or pizza sauce for dipping.

Serving Suggestions

Perfect as a party appetizer, after-school snack, or game-day treat.

Pair with a side salad for a quick meal.

Offer a variety of dipping sauces like ranch, garlic butter, or spicy marinara for extra fun.

Storage and Reheating

Refrigerate: Store leftover pizza bombs in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheat: Warm them in a 350°F (175°C) oven for 5–7 minutes or in the microwave for 20–30 seconds.

Freeze: Freeze unbaked pizza bombs and bake them directly from frozen, adding an extra 5 minutes to the bake time.

Tips for Success

Don’t Overfill: Be cautious not to overstuff the dough, as it may burst during baking.

Seal Tightly: Make sure the dough is fully sealed to prevent cheese from oozing out.

Add Variety: Customize with your favorite pizza toppings like sausage, mushrooms, or jalapeños.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Quick and Easy: Ready in under 30 minutes with minimal effort.

Customizable: Endless possibilities for filling variations.

Crowd-Pleaser: Perfect for kids, adults, and everyone in between!

Enjoy these Pepperoni Pizza Bombs—a fun, cheesy snack that delivers all the flavors of pizza in every bite-sized package!


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