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Man snuck onto Snake Island where no human is allowed to visit and is home to 4,000 of world’s deadliest snakes


A man snuck onto 'one of the most dangerous island's in the world' which is strictly off-limits to tourists due to it's high concentration of venomous snakes.

Ilha da Queimada Grande, more commonly referred to as Snake Island, is located off the coast of São Paulo in Brazil and is considered too dangerous for humans.

Despite being just 106-acres in size, the island is home to an estimated 4,000 snakes, which includes the highly venomous golden lancehead. A critically endangered species, the lancehead has highly potent venom that can kill a human within an hour.

Take a look at footage captured from the island below:

Snakes on Snake Island
Credit: Nat Geo WILD/YouTube
0 seconds of 2 minutes, 8 secondsVolume 90%

Due to the island's number of highly venomous snakes it's no surprise that visiting Snake Island is forbidden, with the exception of researchers and scientists who have gained special permission.

The warnings haven't deterred brave (or reckless, you decide) travellers from attempting to visit, with one man even recording his trip for YouTube.

Infamous 'danger tourist' Lord Miles - real name Miles Routledge - thought the perilous journey to Snake Island would make seriously good content and decided to try his luck.

Getting to the island was no easy feat, with Miles and his team having to evade the Brazilian coast guard before even arriving.

Once he made landfall, Miles wasted no time in embarking on a jungle route up to an abandoned lighthouse, which he called one of the 'most dangerous' on the island.

Thankfully Miles decided to bring some form of protective gear - medieval inspired armour of course - before saying a prayer and setting off to meet his fate.

"This isn't clickbait, I'm on one of the most dangerous island in the world," he told the camera.

"Many have been to this island and very few have gotten out unfortunately."

The journey to the lighthouse, where locals allege that the occupants inside died from snake bites, saw Miles trudging through overgrown grass.

Despite the island's notorious reputation, Miles encountered very few snakes on his journey. In-fact it seemed like he was more at risk of suffering from dehydration rather than a snake bite.

"It's not that bad, for the second most dangerous island in the world," he told the camera at one point.

Fortunately luck also seemed to be on Miles' side as he managed to make it off the island alive - but don't take that as an invitation to visit the island for yourself.


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