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Linkin Park making fans sign waiver ahead of major announcement at live event tonight


There seems to be something crazy about to happen for Linkin Park fans tonight after Mike Shinoda and the rest of the band told attendees to sign a waiver beforehand.

It all began when Shinoda’s band shared a video of a clock counting down from 100 hours and 59 minutes online.

The caption took fans to the official Linkin Park site, which also had the live countdown and a subscription to a My Community chat.

Now, it all got a bit baffling when the timer ran out and immediately started up again, glitching at 9 hours and 5 minutes which fans took as the band hinting at releasing new music.

The band went on to share that the countdown clock was working its way to 100 hours and once it was up, an announcement would be made on 5 September (today).

However, reports have been made that some fans who have been invited will have to sign a waiver beforehand, sort of like an NDA.

Someone shared a photo of the doc they were given on Reddit to talk about what was going on.

It appears that the band wants to stay away from the media being able to find out the location of the event and also what information will be given out tonight.

For those who had been given the document, attendees will agree to be included in the recorded footage, but they are also not allowed to obtain ‘any form or injunctive or equitable relief that would interfere, hinder, stop or impede the production, distribution or any other exploitation of the event’ while there.

Because of the secrecy and theories that the band will be making a comeback, fans think this could all be a ploy to tell them that they’ll be adopting a new lead singer.

After the death of Chester Bennington in 2017, the band took a very long break and Shinoda even contemplated leaving the music industry for good.

He said to Howard Stern about his feelings: "For me, it just felt like too much. To get back on it and try to do some version of music and also be seen through the lens of what had happened… it was like being a member of a club that I didn’t want to join.”

However, earlier this year the band were caught up in a rumour that they’d be going on tour next year and could even be recruiting a female vocalist.

To this, Shinoda said to Revolver Magazine: "Rumors always go around. People always ask what’s next for the band, and the best answer I can ever give anybody is when there’s something to tell you, we will tell you.

"When there’s an announcement to be made, it will be on If you’re hearing it from somebody else, you can trust that information as much as you want to trust it."

At once point, people thought Sum 41‘s Deryck Whibley would be the new frontman, but Whibley proclaimed on 27 August via Instagram that he’s ‘not joining Oasis…. or Linkin Park. or any other band for that matter.’

So, that’s been settled then.

We can only hope to find out what is said by the band tonight, but when is an entirely different question.


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