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Liam Gallagher finally responds to Oasis reunion and ticket price controversy as he tells fan to 'shutup'


Liam Gallagher has issued a blunt response to complaints about ticket prices for the upcoming Oasis tour, telling fans to 'shutup'.

Ever since tickets to see the Gallagher brothers together for the first time in 15 years went on sale there has been plenty of talk about them both on and offline.

Fan ire was specifically directed at the use of dynamic pricing on Ticketmaster, which saw queuing dans discover the already pricey tickets inflate by around £200 towards the end of the sale.

The move left would-be Oasis concert goers in a sour mood, with the band and Ticketmaster since facing a significant amount of backlash online.

Unable to resist wading into the debate, Liam has now fired up his social media account and issued a response to the comments, writing: "OASIS are back your welcome and I hear there ATTITUDE STINKS good to know something’s never change LF***KING x"

The post clearly divided fans, with one user replying that ticket prices were 'genuinely a shame' and accused the pair of ripping fans off.

However Liam was having none of it, posting a two word reply which read: "SHUTUP."

The singer also appeared to poke fun at the ongoing ticket drama in a reply to another fan who asked him: "Got any spare tickets?"

"S**t loads but there really expensive 100 thousand pounds Kneeling only," he replied. Fortunately the fan found the reply humorous, adding: "Sounds like a bargain. Sign me up."

Meanwhile the band have also put out an official response to dynamic pricing via a press release, writing: "It needs to be made clear that Oasis leave decisions on ticketing and pricing entirely to their promoters and management, and at no time had any awareness that dynamic pricing was going to be used.

"While prior meetings between promoters, Ticketmaster and the band's management resulted in a positive ticket sale strategy, which would be a fair experience for fans, including dynamic ticketing to help keep general ticket prices down as well as reduce touting, the execution of the plan failed to meet expectations."

The statement added: ""All parties involved did their utmost to deliver the best possible fan experience, but due to the unprecedented demand this became impossible to achieve"


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