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Grandma mercie’s flour tortilla with warm melted butter

Grandma mercie’s flour tortilla with warm melted butter


7 cups all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

2 + 1/2 teaspoons salt

3/4 cup Crisco shortening, cut into small pieces (or fresh lard)

2 + 1/2 cups warm water (super hot water if using lard)


Add the flour, baking powder and salt to the bowl of a stand mixer. Mix well. Add in 

the shortening and mix until blended. Slowly pour in the water. Mix for 90 seconds 

on low speed or until all ingredients are well incorporated and the dough pulls away 

from the sides of the bowl. The dough should be very smooth and velvety. If 

needed, add a bit more flour or water to achieve this desired texture.

Transfer the dough to a well-floured board. With clean hands, knead the dough for 

5 minutes. Cover the dough with a clean kitchen towel and allow it to relax for 

20-30 minutes. Do not skip these important steps!

Tear the dough into 18-20 small pieces. Roll each piece between your hands to 

form a ball just slightly larger than a golf ball. Place the balls of dough on a cookie 

sheet and cover them with a clean (just very slightly damp) kitchen towel so they 

don’t dry out.

Preheat your black cast-iron comal (or griddle or skillet) over medium-low heat. 

Depending on your stovetop (gas or electric) and the type of griddle you’re using, 

you may need to raise the heat to medium.

With a wooden rolling pin, roll out your flour tortillas into circles that are 

approximately 8 inches in diameter. If you prefer thinner tortillas, roll them out into 

10-inch circles.

Place the first flour tortilla on the comal or griddle. Slowly count to 20. Flip the 

tortilla over and start counting to 20 again. Each tortilla should be cooked after 

being flipped 4-5 times, counting to 20 between each flip. As the tortillas cook they 

will slightly rise and some may look extra puffy before deflating. Your tortillas will 

have small brown patches when cooked, but should be soft and tender.

As the first flour tortilla comes straight off the comal, enjoy it with a delicious pat of 

melted butter! Ahhh…there’s nothing better than the taste of Grandma’s fresh 

homemade flour tortillas!

Enjoy !!


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