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'America's most secret airline' that flies people to Area 51 has sparked a huge conspiracy theory


Flight attendants work hard, but the flight attendants on this top-secret US government airline work even harder.

Now, there have been so many theories about what the US government really get up to in its spare time, and one of those theories surrounds the mysterious Janet Airlines.

This airline flies right under the radar and even though it might operate out of commercial airports like normal planes, the similarities stop there.

This unmarked craft is highly classified - from who it picks up to where it goes and why.

But there have been reports that Janet airlines flies US government workers from Las Vegas to Area 51 in Nevada.

Interestingly, The Sun reports that the airline is now looking to recruit cabin crew who are worthy of taking on a ‘top secret government security clearance’ job.

These planes are operated by the US Air Force, and the whole deal with them is a complete mystery.

AECOM, a private defence contractor who posted a job advertisement posted on its website explained that to qualify for the role, candidates need to prepare for the worst.

Like bomb threats or a hijacking incidents on board.

They’ll also have to take on the usual tasks of flight crew such as cleaning, standing at the front and performing the safety demonstration, learning about what to do in an emergency and so on.

However, if you apply, you need to keep all information about what you’re doing and where you’re going to yourself.

Now, even though nobody really knows why Janet Airlines is named the way it is, some theorise that it stands for ‘Just Another Non-Existent Terminal’.

What else would it stand for?

According to flight tracking radars, which show some flights that start with call signs starting XXX, they fly to the nuclear facility at Tonopah, sending theorists into a tailspin.

Then, other flights go to a nearby location (which is secret) and this could be Area 51.

I mean, it’s surely possible that they’re taking trips for a top-secret operation that’s mysteriously close by.

But it also seems likely that they’re going to Area 51.

This location has seen some crazy conspiracies, from being a portal to another dimension, an area where missing people are transported to for some nefarious means, and that there is an alien craft that’s there from a crash back in 1940.

However, an expert doesn’t think it’s true.

Extra-terrestrial specialist, who actually has investigated UFOs for the British Ministry of Defence, Nick Pope, has said that he’s never seen any evidence to suggest that the MOD has recovered any extraterrestrial technology and doesn’t think Area 51 has either.

So, what on earth does Area 51 do?


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