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“My sister-in-law took one bite and came running over to me asking for the recipe.”

“My sister-in-law took one bite and came running over to me asking for the recipe.”

Ever wondered what would happen if you took a campfire classic and plunged it into a vat of hot oil? Well, wonder no more! Deep-Fried Marshmallows are here to tantalize your taste buds and ignite your sense of culinary adventure.

This recipe offers a chance to experience the familiar flavor of marshmallows in a whole new light – a crispy, golden brown exterior yielding to a gooey, melty center. But before you dive headfirst into this fun, be aware: safety is paramount when dealing with hot oil.


Large Marshmallows1 bag
Pancake Mix1 cup
Water½ cup
Vanilla Extract1 teaspoon
Graham Cracker Crumbs1 cup
Oil for Frying (vegetable or canola oil)Enough for frying
Powdered Sugar (optional)For dusting
Chocolate Sauce (optional)For dipping


  1. Heat the Oil Safely: Heat the oil in a deep fryer or large pot to 375°F (190°C).

Safety Tip: Never leave hot oil unattended while heating or cooking.

  1. Prepare the Batter: In a medium bowl, whisk together the pancake mix, water, and vanilla extract until smooth. This will be your coating batter.

  2. Prepare the Coating: In a separate shallow bowl, place the graham cracker crumbs for easy rolling.

  3. Coat the Marshmallows with Caution:

    • Marshmallow Tip: Due to the airy nature of marshmallows, they can explode when exposed to hot oil. To prevent this, you can insert a toothpick or skewer through the center of the marshmallow for better control and heat distribution.
    • Coating Tip: Dip each marshmallow into the batter, ensuring it’s completely coated. Then, roll the coated marshmallow in the graham cracker crumbs to evenly coat the outside.
  4. Fry Marshmallows Carefully:

    • Oil Temperature Tip: Maintain the oil temperature between 350°F (175°C) and 375°F (190°C) for best results. Too high and the marshmallows can burn easily.
    • Fry in Small Batches: Carefully place one or two marshmallows at a time into the hot oil. Don’t overcrowd the pot to avoid lowering the oil temperature.
  5. Drain and Enjoy:

    • Frying Time: Fry the marshmallows for 30-60 seconds, or until golden brown.
    • Draining Tip: Use a slotted spoon to remove the marshmallow from the oil and transfer it to a plate lined with paper towels to absorb excess oil.
  6. Serve and Enjoy Responsibly:

    • Cooling Tip: Let the fried marshmallows cool slightly before serving, as the inside will be very hot.
    • Dust and Dip (Optional): Once cool enough to handle, dust with powdered sugar and serve with chocolate sauce for dipping, if desired.

Safety Reminders:

  • Always monitor the oil temperature closely to avoid overheating.
  • Never overcrowd the pot while frying.
  • Use a slotted spoon to avoid splashing oil.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher nearby in case of accidents.

Enjoy your deep-fried marshmallows responsibly!


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