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Delicious Maid Rites Sliders

Delicious Maid Rites Sliders



1 teaspoon Better than Bouillon Beef Base (or use 1 cube of beef bouillon)

1 tablespoon brown sugar

1 lb ground beef 80/20 or 85/15

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

1 1/2 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1/2 c. water

12-pack Kings Hawaiian Rolls

6 slices Land O’Lakes American Cheese

1/3 c. Dill pickle slices

1 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce


1 teaspoon poppy seeds

1–2 tablespoons brown sugar

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

1/4 c. salted butter

1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce


Set the oven to 350 degrees.

On medium-high, cook the ground beef while breaking up the meat into chunks till browned.

In the meantime, grease a baking dish using a non-stick spray.

In half, slice Kings Hawaiian Rolls. In the bottom of the prepared baking dish, place the bottoms of the rolls.

Pour in the bouillon once the beef is browned. Add the water, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire, and soy sauce. Stir everything well.

Cook further until all the liquid has evaporated.

Over the rolls, spread the mixture and top with the cheese and pickles. On top, place the tops of the rolls.

Meanwhile, microwave the glaze ingredients for a minute until the butter has fully melted. Once melted, stir the glaze well.

On top of the sandwiches, spread the glaze using a basting brush.

In the preheated oven, bake for 25 minutes.

Slice the sliders and serve immediately. Enjoy!

Nutrition Information:

Serving Size: 1 Serving

Calories: 607 | Sugar: 22 g | Sodium: 777.3 mg | Fat: 31.3 g | Carbohydrates: 55.4 g | Protein: 23.4 g | Cholesterol: 127.4 mg


How To Make it Gluten free

Use gluten-free Worcestershire sauce or a combination of red vinegar or balsamic vinegar and tamarind paste.

Substitute soy sauce with tamari.

Replace Kings Hawaiian Rolls with gluten-free Hawaiian Rolls such as Canyon Bakehouse Gluten Free Hawaiian Sweet Rolls.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use pre-made beef broth instead of Better than Bouillon Beef Base?

Yes, you can substitute pre-made beef broth for the beef base.

Use about 1 cup of beef broth in place of the water and beef base combination.

Can I make these sliders ahead of time and reheat them later?

While it’s best to serve these sliders fresh, you can prepare them ahead of time and reheat them in the oven at a low temperature (around 250°F) until warmed through.

Are there any suitable alternatives to Kings Hawaiian Rolls?

Yes, if you can’t find Kings Hawaiian Rolls, you can use any small, soft dinner rolls or slider buns as a substitute.

Can I adjust the sweetness of the glaze?

Absolutely! If you prefer a sweeter glaze, you can increase the amount of brown sugar to your taste preferences.

Conversely, if you prefer a less sweet glaze, you can reduce the amount of brown sugar.

How can I customize the toppings for these sliders?

Feel free to get creative with the toppings! You can add crispy bacon, caramelized onions, sliced jalapenos, or different types of cheese to suit your taste preferences.

Can I use regular beef broth instead of Better than Bouillon Beef Base?

Yes, you can use regular beef broth as a substitute for Better than Bouillon Beef Base.

Use 1 cup of beef broth in place of the water and beef base combination.

What’s the difference between 80/20 and 85/15 ground beef?

The numbers refer to the lean-to-fat ratio. 80/20 means the beef is 80% lean meat and 20% fat, while 85/15 means it’s 85% lean meat and 15% fat.

Choose based on your preference for juiciness and flavor.

Can I make these sliders vegetarian-friendly?

Yes, you can substitute the ground beef with plant-based ground meat alternatives for a vegetarian version of these sliders.

How do I store leftovers?

Store any leftover sliders in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheat them in the oven or microwave before serving.

Can I make these sliders ahead of time and freeze them?

Yes, you can assemble the sliders, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil, and freeze them for up to 1 month.

Thaw overnight in the refrigerator before baking.

Is it necessary to use poppy seeds in the glaze?

No, you can omit the poppy seeds if you don’t have them or prefer not to use them.

They add a subtle crunch and aesthetic appeal but are not essential to the recipe.

What can I use instead of Dijon mustard in the glaze?

You can substitute Dijon mustard with yellow mustard or omit it altogether if you prefer a milder flavor in the glaze.

Can I use different types of cheese for these sliders?

Yes, you can experiment with different types of cheese to suit your taste. Cheddar, Swiss, or Pepper Jack would also work well in this recipe.

How can I prevent the sliders from becoming soggy?

To prevent the bottoms of the sliders from becoming soggy, you can lightly toast them before assembling the sliders.

This creates a barrier that helps absorb moisture from the filling.

Are there any gluten-free options for this recipe?

Yes, you can use gluten-free hamburger buns or rolls instead of Kings Hawaiian Rolls to make this recipe gluten-free.

Additionally, ensure that the Worcestershire sauce and soy sauce are gluten-free certified.


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