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Creamy Seafood Symphony Bisque

Creamy Seafood Symphony Bisque

Creamy Seafood Symphony Bisque


8 oz crab meat

8 oz cooked shrimp, cut in pieces

4 tablespoon butter

⅓ c green onions, chopped

⅓ c celery, chopped

2 c milk

1 ½ c heavy cream

1 tablespoon tomato paste

3 tablespoon flour

Salt and pepper to taste

1 teaspoon Old Bay Seasoning


In a saucepan over medium-high heat. Melt the butter.

Add the chopped celery and green onions. Cooking until they’re soft.

Mix in the flour. And cook for a minute. To create a base.

Warm the milk in a separate pot. Then gradually add it to the saucepan. Whisking to avoid lumps.

Stir in the Old Bay Seasoning. Salt, pepper, heavy cream, and tomato paste. Lower the heat to a simmer.

Let the bisque simmer gently. Until it starts to thicken.

Add the shrimp and crab meat. Heating everything through.

Garnish with fresh parsley. Before serving. Enjoy your bisque warm!


To transform our beloved Creamy Seafood Symphony Bisque. Into a gluten-free delight. Embrace a simple swap. That keeps the essence of the sea intact. While welcoming everyone to the table. Instead of traditional flour. Let’s turn to the magic of cornstarch. A faithful ally. In achieving that perfect, velvety thickness. Without a trace of gluten. Begin by mixing 2 tablespoons of cornstarch. With an equal part of water. To create a smooth slurry. Once our bisque begins to whisper of simmering dreams. Stir in this blend. And watch as it thickens to perfection. Mirroring the embrace. Of the ocean’s depths. This small gesture. Ensures that the symphony of flavors. In our bisque can be savored by all. Making every spoonful. A celebration of inclusivity. And the boundless joy of cooking.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 370 calories per serving | Total Fat: 29 grams | Saturated Fat: 18 grams | Cholesterol: 175 milligrams | Sodium: 350 milligrams | Total Carbohydrates: 11 grams | Dietary Fiber: 1 gram | Sugars: 6 grams | Protein: 20 grams

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use different types of seafood in this bisque?

Absolutely! Feel free to customize the seafood according to your preference.

You can add scallops, lobster meat, or even chunks of white fish like cod or halibut for variety.

Is it necessary to use Old Bay Seasoning?

While Old Bay Seasoning adds a classic flavor profile to the bisque, you can substitute it with your favorite seafood seasoning blend or a combination of herbs and spices like paprika, garlic powder, and thyme.

Can I make this bisque ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the bisque in advance and store it in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

Reheat it gently on the stovetop over low heat, stirring occasionally, until warmed through before serving.

Is there a dairy-free alternative for the heavy cream?

If you prefer a dairy-free version, you can substitute the heavy cream with canned coconut milk or a plant-based cream alternative.

Just keep in mind that it may slightly alter the flavor and texture of the bisque.

How can I ensure the bisque is gluten-free?

To make this bisque gluten-free, replace the all-purpose flour with an equal amount of gluten-free flour blend or cornstarch.

Make sure all other ingredients, including the Old Bay Seasoning and tomato paste, are gluten-free as well.

Can I use frozen seafood instead of fresh?

Yes, you can use frozen seafood, but make sure to thaw it completely before adding it to the bisque.

Drain any excess water from the seafood before incorporating it into the recipe.

Is it okay to omit the tomato paste if I don’t have any?

While tomato paste adds depth of flavor to the bisque, you can omit it if necessary.

The bisque will still be delicious, but it may lack a slightly tangy richness that the tomato paste provides.

Can I substitute the crab meat and shrimp with other types of seafood?

Absolutely! You can experiment with different seafood combinations, such as lobster, scallops, or even chunks of fish like cod or salmon.

Just adjust the cooking time accordingly to ensure all the seafood is cooked through.

What can I use instead of Old Bay Seasoning?

If you don’t have Old Bay Seasoning on hand, you can create a similar flavor profile by using a combination of paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, celery salt, and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

How long will this bisque keep in the refrigerator?

This bisque will keep well in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days when stored in an airtight container.

Reheat it gently on the stovetop over low heat, stirring occasionally, until warmed through before serving.

Can I use half-and-half instead of heavy cream?

Yes, you can use half-and-half as a lighter alternative to heavy cream.

However, keep in mind that the bisque may not be as rich and creamy in texture.

Is it necessary to garnish the bisque with parsley?

Garnishing with fresh parsley adds a pop of color and freshness to the bisque, but it’s optional.

You can skip it if you prefer or substitute it with another herb like chives or dill.

How can I make this bisque spicier?

If you like a spicier bisque, you can add a pinch of crushed red pepper flakes or a dash of hot sauce to the simmering bisque.

Adjust the amount according to your taste preferences.

Can I freeze this bisque for later?

Yes, this bisque freezes well. Allow it to cool completely before transferring it to freezer-safe containers.

It can be stored in the freezer for up to 2-3 months.

Thaw it overnight in the refrigerator before reheating.

What are some serving suggestions for this bisque?

This bisque pairs well with crusty bread, garlic bread, or oyster crackers on the side.

You can also serve it as a starter soup before a seafood-themed meal or as a comforting main dish alongside a simple salad.


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