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Salisbury Steak Garlic Mash Potatoes Mushroom & Onion Gravy – You’ll Love it!

Salisbury Steak Garlic Mash Potatoes Mushroom & Onion Gravy – You’ll Love it!

This recipe has been in my family for years. It’s easy to cook, but tastes like it took hours to make! I usually make enough extra sauce to pour over mashed potatoes. YUM!


For the Steaks:

1/3 cup breadcrumbs

1 egg

1 small yellow onion grated

1 teaspoon kosher salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

1 lb. lean ground beef such as 90/10

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

For the Mushroom Gravy:

2 tablespoons butter

8 oz. sliced mushrooms I used baby portobellas (cremini)

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

2 cups beef broth

kosher salt to taste

black pepper to taste


In a large bowl, mix together the grated onion (and its juices), the breadcrumbs (1/3 cup), the egg, the kosher salt (1 teaspoon), and the black pepper (1/2 teaspoon) until well combined.

Add the ground beef to the bowl and mix to combine with the breadcrumb and onion mixture. I recommend using your hands for this.

Divide the beef mixture evenly into four. The easiest way to do this is to press the beef mixture into the bottom of the bowl and use your finger to “draw” lines dividing it into four quadrants. Form 4 oval shaped patties with your hands about 3/4ths of an inch thick.

Heat a large skillet over high heat. Only after it’s searing hot (after about 2 minutes), add the olive oil (1 tablespoon) to the pan and swirl to coat.

Add the patties to the hot pan and cook for 2 minutes on each side- they should a have nice brown color. To get the best color, don’t move them until the two minutes are up.

Remove the patties to a plate.

Add the butter (2 tablespoons) to the skillet, then add the sliced mushrooms after it’s melted.

Cook the mushrooms for 2 minutes, until golden. Then, sprinkle the flour (2 tablespoons) over the mushrooms. Stir the mushrooms, coating each of them in the flour, and continue to cook for 1 more minute.

Add the beef broth (2 cups), stirring constantly to incorporate the flour, and bring it to a simmer.

Add the steak patties back into the gravy mixture and simmer, uncovered, for 5 more minutes, or until they’re fully cooked and the gravy has thickened.

Time saving tip: Form the patties ahead of time and store in your refrigerator for up to two days.

Money saving tip: Look for ground beef on sale or buy it in bulk to store in your freezer. Take it out of the freezer 24 hours before making this recipe. You can also make your own breadcrumbs easily by toasting two slices of bread and using your food processor to crumble them.

For a dairy-free version: use more olive oil instead of butter to make the gravy.

For a gluten-free version: use gluten-free breadcrumbs in the steaks and use cornstarch instead of flour (added after the broth in a slurry) for the gravy.

The provided nutrition information does not include any added sodium from seasoning to taste, any optional ingredients, and it does not take brands into account. Feel free to calculate it yourself using this calculator or by adding the recipe to Yummly.


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