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My Nebraska friend taught me this recipe, and it’s seriously to die for!

My Nebraska friend taught me this recipe, and it’s seriously to die for!

Are you craving a hearty and delicious meal that will leave your taste buds singing? Look no further than this mouthwatering beef and cabbage roll recipe, inspired by the heartland flavors of Nebraska. Whip up a batch of these savory delights, and prepare to be amazed!

Lean ground beef2 pounds
Large onion1, diced
Fresh cabbage4 cups, shredded
SaltTo taste
PepperTo taste
Caraway seeds1 teaspoon (optional)
Frozen unbaked roll dough12 pieces
Canola oil1 tablespoon
Shredded Cheddar cheese1/2 cup (optional)

Step-by-Step Directions:

1. Preheat Your Oven:

  • Begin by preheating your oven to the temperature specified on the roll dough package, typically around 350°F (175°C).

2. Sauté the Onions:

  • Heat a skillet over medium-high heat and add the canola oil. Sauté the diced onions until they become translucent and fragrant.

3. Brown the Ground Beef:

  • Add the ground beef to the skillet, breaking it apart with a spatula as it cooks. Season generously with salt and pepper to elevate the flavors. Drain any excess fat that accumulates during cooking.

4. Incorporate Cabbage and Caraway Seeds:

  • Mix in the shredded cabbage and caraway seeds, allowing them to cook alongside the beef until the cabbage softens and becomes tender.

5. Prepare the Dough:

  • Allow the frozen roll dough to slightly thaw, then roll out each piece into a circle approximately 5-6 inches in diameter on a floured surface.

6. Fill the Dough Circles:

  • Spoon a generous portion (about 1/3 cup) of the beef and cabbage mixture onto each dough circle. For an added burst of flavor, sprinkle some shredded Cheddar cheese over the filling.

7. Seal and Bake:

  • Carefully fold the dough over the filling to create a half-moon shape, ensuring that the edges are securely pinched to seal in the deliciousness. Place the assembled rolls on a parchment-lined baking sheet.

8. Bake to Perfection:

  • Follow the baking instructions provided on the roll dough package, typically baking the rolls for 20-25 minutes or until they turn a glorious golden brown hue.

9. Serve and Enjoy:

  • Once baked to perfection, allow the beef and cabbage rolls to cool slightly before serving. Be cautious, as the filling will be piping hot and bursting with flavor!


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