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Hatch Green Chile and Cheddar Biscuits

Hatch Green Chile and Cheddar Biscuits

How to make Hatch Green Chile and Cheddar Biscuits


12 tbs. chilled unsalted butter, divided

1 3/4 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1 1/4 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. freshly ground pepper, for more floral notes use a mix of pink, white, and black pepper

1 3/4 tsp. Morton’s Kosher Salt

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

6 Chopped Hatch Green Chiles (about 3/4 cups)

6 oz. sharp cheddar cheese, finely grated and frozen, plus 1/2 oz. for topping

1 1/4 cups sour cream

Flaky Sea Salt


1. Place a rack in middle of oven; preheat to 425°. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Chop and clean green chiles, removing seeds if desired. If green chile is very wet, dry out between multiple layers of paper towels before chopping. Grate 6 oz of cheddar finely and place in freezer until needed.

2. Melt 2 Tbsp. chilled unsalted butter, set aside. Cut remaining 10 Tbsp. chilled unsalted butter into ½” pieces. Place in freezer for five minutes.

3. Whisk together dry ingredients in large bowl to combine. After butter has been in freezer for five minutes, add to dry ingredients and toss to coat. Using your hands, work butter into dry ingredients, smashing it between your fingers and flattening it between your palm until there are lots of thin shards and pea-size bits.

4. Add green chile and cheddar and toss to coat/distribute evenly. You may need to your your fingers to separate any clumps of green chile.

5. Create a well in the center of mixture and add sour cream to the center. Using a fork and working in circles, mix until large shaggy clumps form. Fold dough over itself a couple of times inside the bowl until it comes together.

6. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead once or twice until it comes together; flour your hands if needed. If there are any loose bits, add them to center of dough and knead once more to incorporate.

7. Pat dough into an 8×4” rectangle about 1” thick. Working from a short side, fold dough in thirds as you would a letter. It doesn’t need to overlap perfectly. Pat dough into another 8×4” rectangle, then fold dough in thirds like a letter one more time. (You’ll have done the folding procedure two times total.) Pat dough back into an 8×4” rectangle and straighten up with your hands and/or your bench scraper. (This folding method is what will create those nice flaky layers in your final biscuits.)

8. Cut rectangle in half lengthwise, then cut each half crosswise into 4 squares for a total of 8 biscuits. Transfer biscuits to prepared baking sheet. Brush tops gently with melted butter; sprinkle cheddar cheese.

9. Bake biscuits until golden brown, 18–22 minutes. Serve warm with green chile stew, or top with green chile sausage gravy for a breakfast treat.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 382 kcal | Total Fat: 29.5 g | Saturated Fat: 18 g | Cholesterol: 77 mg | Sodium: 709 mg | Total Carbohydrates: 24.3 g | Dietary Fiber: 1.3 g | Sugars: 1.1 g | Protein: 6.7 g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use canned green chiles instead of fresh Hatch green chiles?

Yes, you can use canned green chiles as a substitute for fresh Hatch green chiles.

Just make sure to drain them well before using, and adjust the quantity to your taste.

Can I use a different type of cheese in place of sharp cheddar?

While sharp cheddar cheese adds a specific flavor, you can experiment with other cheese varieties if you prefer.

Gouda, pepper jack, or Monterey Jack can be good alternatives.

Do I have to freeze the grated cheddar cheese before using it?

Freezing the grated cheese before using it helps to maintain its shape and prevents it from melting too quickly during baking.

It’s a helpful step for achieving the desired texture in the biscuits.

Can I prepare the biscuit dough ahead of time and bake it later?

Yes, you can prepare the biscuit dough ahead of time, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or foil, and refrigerate it.

When ready to bake, allow it to come to room temperature and then proceed with the baking instructions.

What can I serve these biscuits with besides green chile stew?

These biscuits can be served with a variety of dishes.

They pair well with soups, chili, breakfast gravies, or as a side for barbecue dishes.

They’re versatile and can complement both savory and spicy flavors.

Can I use a different type of pepper instead of freshly ground pepper?

While freshly ground pepper is recommended for its flavor, you can use pre-ground black pepper if that’s what you have on hand.

However, freshly ground pepper adds a more vibrant and aromatic taste.

What’s the purpose of freezing the grated cheddar cheese?

Freezing the grated cheddar cheese helps keep it firm during mixing and prevents it from clumping together.

This ensures even distribution of cheese throughout the biscuit dough.

Can I use frozen green chiles instead of fresh Hatch green chiles?

Yes, you can use frozen green chiles if you don’t have fresh ones.

Just make sure to thaw and drain them before chopping and adding them to the dough.

How do I store leftover biscuits?

To store leftover biscuits, allow them to cool completely.

Then, place them in an airtight container or resealable plastic bag.

Store at room temperature for up to 2 days, or in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days.

Reheat in the oven or microwave before serving.

Can I freeze the biscuit dough for later use?

Yes, you can freeze the biscuit dough for later use.

After folding the dough and patting it into an 8×4″ rectangle, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.

Place it in an airtight container or freezer bag, and store it in the freezer for up to 2-3 months.

When ready to use, thaw it in the refrigerator overnight and then follow the baking instructions.


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