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Chocolate Oreo Cupcakes

Chocolate Oreo Cupcakes
How To Make Chocolate Oreo Cupcakes 


Swiss Meringue Buttercream

6 Large Egg whites
1 1/4 Cup Sugar
1/4 tsp Cream of tartar
2 Cups Unsalted butter, soft 
20 Oreo Cookies

Chocolate Cupcakes1

1 1/2 Cup AP Flour 
1/2 Cup + 2TBS Cocoa powder 
1 1/8 tsp Baking Powder
3/4 tsp Baking Soda
1/4 tsp Salt
1 Large Egg
1 Large Egg yolk
3/4 Cup Milk 
1/3 Cup Canola Oil 
2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 1/3 Cup Sugar 
2/3 Cup Boiling Water 


To Make the Buttercream

In a bowl of a standing mixer, pour the sugar then add the egg whites and cream of tartar. Use a hand whisk to blend it all.

Place the bowl on top of a pot with simmering water on the stove. Make sure the water does not touch the bottom of the bowl.
Use a hand whisk to stir the mix and cook until it reaches 130F or when the sugar has dissolved.
Remove bowl from stove and back to the mixer fitted with the whisk attachment.
Mix until a stiff meringue has formed and the bottom of the bowl is cool to the touch of your hand.
Reduce speed to low-medium and add the butter a piece at a time, gradually increase speed to medium-high and mix until a smooth creamy buttercream has formed.
Measure 1 cup of buttercream and place in a medium bowl
Separate the Oreos cookies remove and place the filling in the bowl with the small amount of buttercream.
Use a fork or a hand whisk to blend the filling and buttercream then in a piping bag fitted with a round tip.
Place the separated cookies in a food processor and process it into a very fine meal. Remove and lumps or large pieces you notice.
Sprinkle the ground Oreos on top of the buttercream and mix until a cohesive buttercream has formed.
Fill a large piping bag fitted with a large tip (your choice of shape).

Baking The Cupcakes

In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt and mix to blend.

In a bowl of a standing mixer, place the eggs, milk, oil, and vanilla pour the sugar on top then add the dry ingredients.
Use the paddle attachment to mix on low until completely smooth then pour the boiling water and mixing carefully until smooth. Let sit for 15 minutes. (do not over mix)
Fill cupcakes liners 3/4 full and bake for 15-18 minutes until a toothpick comes out dry from the center of the cupcakes.
Preheat oven to 350F, line 1-12 cup muffin tines with cupcakes liners.
Remove from stove and allow to completely cool before filling and decorating.

Filling and piping the cupcakes

Using a sharp knife, cut an inch sized circle at the center of each cupcake. Make sure you insert the knife 1" deep and as you cut around, create a cone-shaped piece you can easily remove.

Use the white buttercream to fill the center of the cupcakes then the dark buttercream to pipe the cupcake.


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