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Beef and Cheese Mexican Sanchiladas

Beef and Cheese Mexican Sanchiladas

How to make Beef and Cheese Mexican Sanchiladas


1 lb. lean ground beef

1/2 tsp. granulated onion

1/2 tsp. granulated garlic

2 – 10 oz. cans mild red enchilada sauce

shredded cheddar cheese

chopped lettuce

1 cup sour cream

4 8-inch flour tortillas, warmed

tortilla chips, for serving alongside the sanchiladas

chopped cilantro and scallions, for garnishing, if desired


In a heavy-bottomed skillet over medium high heat, brown the ground beef with the spices until cooked throughout and no pink remains (160-165 degrees F.); drain any fats that accumulate as the beef cooks.

Stir one can of the enchilada sauce into the ground beef, continuing to cook over medium heat until the sanchilada mixture is hot throughout; remove from the heat.

Place a warm tortilla onto a work surface; place one-fourth of the prepared beef mixture across the center of the tortilla in a 2-inch strip; top with cheese and lettuce, as desired.

In a small bowl, combine the sour cream with 1/4 cup of red enchilada sauce, stirring to combine.

Place the prepared sour cream mixture into a sandwich bag, snipping away the corner of the bag.

Press the sour cream mixture through the hole in the corner of the bag, onto the beef mixture over the top of the cheese and the lettuce, making two strips of sour cream the length of the beef mixture, or as desired.

Roll the flour tortilla around the beef filling, placing the sanchilada into a greased elongated and shallow glass baking dish for one, or create all four sanchiladas, placing them side-by-side into a larger baking dish.

Pour enchilada sauce, as desired, over the top of the sanchiladas, then top with more shredded cheese; garnish with scallions or cilantro.

Heat the prepared sanchilada for a few seconds in the microwave until heated throughout; stack tortilla chips alongside the sanchilada and serve at once.

Enjoy !!

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 600 calories | Protein: 30 grams | Carbohydrates: 35 grams | Dietary Fiber: 3 grams | Sugars: 8 grams | Fat: 35 grams | Saturated Fat: 15 grams | Cholesterol: 80 mg | Sodium: 800 mg | Potassium: 300 mg | Calcium: 300 mg | Iron: 4 mg

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the difference between enchiladas and sanchiladas?

Sanchiladas are a playful variation of enchiladas.

The main difference is the addition of sour cream as a filling element in sanchiladas, giving them a creamy texture and flavor.

Traditional enchiladas typically use a sauce made primarily from chili peppers.

Can I use ground turkey or chicken instead of beef?

Yes, you can substitute ground turkey or chicken for the lean ground beef in this recipe.

It’s a great way to make the dish leaner and suit personal preferences.

How spicy are these sanchiladas with mild enchilada sauce?

Mild enchilada sauce typically has a low to moderate level of spiciness.

If you prefer a spicier dish, you can use medium or hot enchilada sauce or add additional spices or chili powder to the beef mixture.

Can I make sanchiladas in advance and reheat them later?

Yes, you can assemble the sanchiladas in advance, refrigerate them, and then reheat in the microwave or oven when ready to serve.

Just be sure to cover them with foil to prevent them from drying out during reheating.

Are there any recommended side dishes to serve with sanchiladas?

Sanchiladas are quite satisfying on their own, but you can serve them with side dishes like Spanish rice, refried beans, or a simple salad to complement the meal.

Tortilla chips, as mentioned in the recipe, make for a great crunchy side.

What are sanchiladas, and how do they differ from regular enchiladas?

Sanchiladas are a creative twist on traditional enchiladas.

The main difference is the addition of sour cream inside the tortilla, giving them a creamy texture.

Traditional enchiladas are typically filled with various ingredients and covered with a chili-based sauce.

Can I use ground chicken or turkey instead of ground beef?

Yes, you can substitute ground chicken or turkey for the lean ground beef in this recipe.

It’s a great way to make a lighter version of sanchiladas.

Are there any alternatives to mild red enchilada sauce for those who prefer spicier flavors?

If you prefer spicier sanchiladas, you can use medium or hot enchilada sauce instead of mild.

You can also adjust the spiciness by adding more cayenne pepper or chili powder to the beef mixture.

Can I prepare sanchiladas in advance and bake them later?

Yes, you can assemble the sanchiladas ahead of time, cover them, and refrigerate.

When you’re ready to bake, simply place them in the oven as directed in the recipe, adding a few extra minutes to account for the chilled ingredients.

What side dishes go well with sanchiladas?

Sanchiladas are delicious on their own, but you can serve them with side dishes like Mexican rice, refried beans, guacamole, or a fresh salsa.

The tortilla chips mentioned in the recipe can also be served alongside for extra crunch.


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