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Crockpot Christmas Crack Recipe

Crockpot Christmas Crack Recipe

How to make Crockpot Christmas Crack Recipe


16oz Unsalted peanuts

16oz Salted peanuts

1Bag Semi sweet chocolate chips

1Bag Milk chocolate chips

2Bags Peanut butter chips

2Packages of white chocolate bark or candy wafers


Place the peanuts into the bottom of the slow cooker.

Cover the peanuts with the peanut butter chips.

Add the semi sweet and milk chocolate chips.

Layer the white chocolate bark or wafers on the top.

Place the lid on the crockpot, and cook on low for 1 hour.

Remove the lid, stir the mixture well and place the lid back on to cook on low for another 30 minutes.

Stir the mixture again, and use a tablespoon to drop clusters of the mixture on pieces of parchment paper.

Allow the candy clusters to harden and set for several hours.

Serve immediately or store in an airtight container. Candies can also be frozen for future use.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 150 | Total Fat: 11g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 0mg | Sodium: 50mg | Total Carbohydrates: 13g | Dietary Fiber: 1g | Sugars: 9g | Protein: 3g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use different types of nuts in this recipe?

Yes, you can customize the nut selection to your preference.

Almonds, cashews, or a mix of nuts can be substituted for peanuts.

Can I use only one type of chocolate instead of a mix of semi-sweet and milk chocolate chips?

Certainly! Feel free to use only one type of chocolate if you prefer.

Adjust the quantity based on your taste.

What’s the purpose of layering white chocolate on top?

The white chocolate layer adds a sweet and creamy contrast to the darker chocolates.

It enhances the flavor and provides visual appeal to the clusters.

Can I use the high setting on the slow cooker instead of low?

It’s recommended to use the low setting to avoid overheating and burning the chocolate.

Slow cooking helps melt the ingredients evenly without scorching.

How long do these Christmas Crack candies last, and can I freeze them?

Stored in an airtight container, these candies can last up to two weeks.

For longer storage, freeze them, and they can be enjoyed for several months.

Thaw at room temperature before serving.


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