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Green Chile And Extra Cheese Chilequiles

Green Chile And Extra Cheese Chilequiles

How to make Green Chile And Extra Cheese Chilequiles


1 Pound Tomatillos, cored,rough chop

1 1/4 Cups Onions, rough chop

4 Garlic Cloves

4 Green Onions, remove root

2 Teaspoons Mexican Oregano

1 1/4 Cups Cilantro Leaves, chopped

1/4 Cup Green New Mexico Hatch Chile Powder

1/2 Fluid Ounce Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 Teaspoon Sea Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Ground Black Pepper

20 Corn Tortillas

2 Cups Neutral Frying Oil

4 Eggs, large

1/4 Cup Cojita Cheese, crumbled

1/4 Mexican Crema

Cilantro Leaves, garnish

Shaved Radish, garnish


Set a broiler to high and line a sheet pan with aluminum foil.

Spread the quartered tomatillos, chopped onions, garlic cloves and green onions onto the lined pan. Roast the vegetables under the broiler, tossing occasionally, until the surfaces are softened and blackened.

Transfer the roasted vegetables to a blender and add the oregano, cilantro and Green New Mexico Hatch Chile Powder. Add a splash of water if necessary to puree smooth and while running drizzle the olive oil into the blending sauce. Season with salt and pepper. Set this aside.

Add 2 cups of frying oil to a large skillet (deep cast iron is a good choice) and place over a medium-high heat.

Stack the yellow corn tortillas and slice into 3 even sections. Cut the sections in half to make rectangle shapes. Dip a tortilla piece into the oil and if it bubbles and sizzles then add all the pieces. Stir often while frying until the tortillas are golden brown and crisp then remove them to paper towels to drain.

Discard all but 1 tablespoon of oil from the pan and return to the medium-high heat. Add the green chile sauce and fry to a simmer, cook for 2-3 minutes then add the chips. Toss to coat the tortillas and remove to serving vessels. Fry the eggs in a separate pan and serve with finished chilaquiles. Add Mexican crema, cheese, radish and cilantro to garnish.

Nutrition Information:

Serving Size: 1

Calories: 635 | Protein: 12g | Carbohydrates: 64g | Dietary Fiber: 7g | Sugars: 4g | Fat: 37g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Cholesterol: 194mg | Sodium: 530mg

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use canned tomatillos instead of fresh ones?

While fresh tomatillos are recommended, you can use canned tomatillos as a substitute if fresh ones are not available.

Just make sure to drain them before using.

What is Green New Mexico Hatch Chile Powder, and can I use regular chili powder instead?

Green New Mexico Hatch Chile Powder is made from a specific type of green chili pepper.

You can use regular chili powder as a substitute, but it may have a different flavor profile.

Are there any alternative garnishes I can use besides radish and cilantro?

Absolutely, you can get creative with garnishes.

Try options like diced avocado, sour cream, jalapeño slices, or diced red onion for added flavor and texture.

Can I make this recipe vegetarian or vegan?

Yes, you can make a vegetarian version by omitting the eggs and using vegetable oil instead of neutral frying oil.

To make it vegan, use a vegan cheese and plant-based cream.

Can I prepare the green chile sauce in advance and store it?

Yes, you can make the green chile sauce ahead of time and store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

It should be good for a few days. Just reheat it before using in the recipe.

What can I substitute for Mexican Oregano if I can’t find it?

If you can’t find Mexican oregano, you can use regular oregano as a substitute.

While the flavor may be slightly different, it will still work well in the recipe.

Is there a specific type of corn tortilla I should use for this recipe?

You can use yellow or white corn tortillas for this recipe.

Choose the ones you prefer or are readily available to you.

Can I use a different type of cheese instead of Cojita?

Yes, if you can’t find Cotija cheese, you can substitute it with a similar cheese like feta or queso fresco.

These cheeses have a crumbly texture and a slightly salty flavor.

What should I do with the leftover frying oil?

You can strain and save the leftover frying oil for future use.

Allow it to cool, strain it to remove any food particles, and store it in an airtight container for later frying.

Can I make the green chile sauce milder or spicier to suit my taste?

Absolutely. You can adjust the spiciness of the green chile sauce by using more or less of the Green New Mexico Hatch Chile Powder.

Add more for extra heat or reduce it for a milder flavor.


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