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Zucchini Patties

Zucchini Patties

How to make Zucchini Patties


2 large courgettes (about 300 g)

1 onion or shallot

1 clove of garlic (optional)

Aromatic herbs: flat-leaf parsley, mint, basil or coriander

1 egg

1 tsp flour

2 tablespoons liquid cream (classic or vegetable)

Salt pepper

paprika, curry, Espelette pepper etc…

Butter/oil for frying


Wash, dry and grate your courgettes. Put them in a clean tea towel and squeeze well to remove the juice

Finely chop the onion or shallot, and the parsley

Mix with the grated zucchini, then add the cream and the whole egg, mix, and finally the flour and the salt, pepper and spices, mix

Heat 20 g of butter and a little sunflower oil in a frying pan and arrange small heaps of preparation, flatten them in the shape of pancakes and cook for 3 minutes on each side, until your pancakes are golden brown

Put your pancakes on absorbent paper and serve them very hot

Enjoy !

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 120 calories | Total Fat: 8 grams | Saturated Fat: 4 grams | Cholesterol: 60 milligrams | Sodium: 250 milligrams | Total Carbohydrates: 8 grams | Dietary Fiber: 1 grams | Sugars: 2 grams | Protein: 3 grams

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use other herbs in this recipe?

Yes, you can customize the herbs to your taste.

You can use flat-leaf parsley, mint, basil, coriander, or even a combination of these herbs.

Experiment with flavors that you enjoy.

What can I use instead of liquid cream?

If you prefer a dairy-free option, you can substitute liquid cream with non-dairy alternatives like coconut cream or almond milk.

Choose a creamy, plant-based option that suits your dietary preferences.

Should I peel the zucchini before grating?

It’s not necessary to peel the zucchini for this recipe.

In fact, the zucchini’s skin adds color and texture to the patties.

Simply wash and dry them well before grating.

Can I make these patties in advance and reheat them?

While they are best enjoyed fresh and hot, you can make these patties in advance and reheat them in the oven or a toaster oven to maintain their crispiness.

Reheat at around 350°F (175°C) for a few minutes until they’re heated through.

Are there gluten-free alternatives to flour for binding?

Yes, if you want to make gluten-free zucchini patties, you can use alternatives like almond flour, coconut flour, or gluten-free all-purpose flour instead of regular wheat flour.

Make sure to adjust the quantity as these flours may absorb moisture differently.

Can I use other types of flour in place of all-purpose flour?

Yes, you can experiment with different types of flour to suit your dietary preferences.

If you want a gluten-free option, you can try almond flour, chickpea flour, or a gluten-free flour blend as a substitute for all-purpose flour.

What should I do if the zucchini mixture is too watery?

If your zucchini mixture appears too watery, you can add a bit more flour to help bind the ingredients together.

Additionally, make sure you’ve squeezed out as much moisture as possible from the grated zucchini using the clean tea towel as mentioned in the recipe.

Are these patties suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

The recipe as written includes egg and cream, making it suitable for vegetarians but not for vegans.

To make it vegan-friendly, you can replace the egg with a vegan egg substitute (like flax or chia eggs) and use a plant-based cream.

Can I make a larger batch and freeze the patties for later use?

Yes, you can make a larger batch of zucchini patties and freeze them for later.

After frying, allow them to cool completely, then freeze in a single layer on a baking sheet before transferring to an airtight container or freezer bag.

To reheat, bake in the oven or heat in a pan until warmed through.

What can I serve with zucchini patties?

Zucchini patties are versatile and can be served with various accompaniments.

They pair well with yogurt-based sauces, tzatziki, or a simple tomato salsa.

They can also be served as a side dish with grilled meats or as a vegetarian main course alongside a fresh salad.


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