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Zucchini Enchilada Roll Ups

Zucchini Enchilada Roll Ups

How to make Zucchini Enchilada Roll Ups


400g (2 1/2) Cups Cooked Chicken, shredded, sliced or diced

1 Cup Red or Kidney Beans, drained and rinsed

1 Cup Sweetcorn

1 Cup Green Bell Pepper, diced very small

1 Small Onion, finely chopped

1 Tsp Garlic Powder

1 Tsp Paprika

1 Tsp Mild Chilli Powder

1 Lime juiced

Salt and pepper

200g (2 Cups) Shredded Cheddar Cheese (Mixed Red Leicester and Mature)

2 1/2 Cups Enchilada Sauce or Poco Loco Burito Sauce

4 or 5 Large Zucchini depending on size, sliced thinly lengthwise

2 Tbls Cilantro, chopped (optional)


Spread 3/4 cup enchilada sauce over the bottom of a baking dish.

Prepare a large baking tray with baking paper. Spray the baking paper with non stick cooking spray and place the sliced zucchini on top next to each other. Slightly spray the zucchini and season with salt.

Bake in oven 200C/400F for 5 to 10 minutes until slightly softened. Remove and leave to cool.

In a large bowl mix the chicken, beans, corn, green pepper, onions, garlic powder, paprika, chilli, lime juice,1 cup enchilada sauce, salt/pepper.

Depending on the size of zucchini, place 2 or 3 slices slightly overlapping to form a 3-4 inch roll.

Place 2 tablespoons of the chicken filling on, roll up and place in prepared baking dish next to each other. About 20 Rolls.

Put a spoon of enchilada sauce on top of each roll, followed by the Red Leicester and Mature cheddar cheese.

Bake in preheated oven 190C/375F until cheese has melted and the sides are bubbling, about 30 minutes.

Garnish with Cilantro and enjoy!

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 370 | Total Fat: 19g | Saturated Fat: 10g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 85mg | Sodium: 850mg | Total Carbohydrates: 24g | Dietary Fiber: 4g | Sugars: 7g | Protein: 27g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use other types of beans in this recipe?

Yes, you can use other types of beans such as black beans or white beans instead of red or kidney beans.

Choose beans that you enjoy and that complement the flavors of the dish.

Can I make this recipe vegetarian or vegan?

Absolutely, you can make a vegetarian version by omitting the chicken and using additional vegetables or a plant-based protein source.

To make it vegan, omit the cheese and use a dairy-free alternative, and ensure the enchilada sauce is vegan-friendly.

Can I make these roll-ups ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the roll-ups ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator.

When ready to serve, place them in the baking dish, top with sauce and cheese, and bake as directed.

This can be a convenient option for busy days.

How can I adjust the spiciness level?

If you prefer a milder dish, you can reduce the amount of chili powder and cayenne pepper.

You can also omit the jalapeno pepper if you want to reduce the heat further.

Adjust the spices according to your taste preferences.

Can I freeze these roll-ups?

Yes, you can freeze the assembled roll-ups before baking.

Place them on a baking sheet in a single layer and freeze until firm, then transfer to an airtight container or freezer-friendly bag.

When ready to bake, place them directly in the oven (do not thaw) and add a few extra minutes to the baking time.

Can I use other types of meat instead of chicken?

Yes, you can substitute the chicken with other cooked and shredded meats such as beef, turkey, or even pulled pork.

Choose a protein that you enjoy and that complements the flavors of the dish.

Can I use flour tortillas instead of zucchini slices?

If you prefer a more traditional enchilada texture, you can use flour tortillas instead of zucchini slices.

Simply warm the tortillas, spoon the filling onto each tortilla, roll them up, and place them in the baking dish.

Adjust the baking time as needed.

Is there a way to make this recipe gluten-free?

To make this recipe gluten-free, ensure that the enchilada sauce you use is gluten-free and choose a gluten-free flour to make the sauce.

Also, double-check that all other ingredients, including spices, are labeled as gluten-free.

Can I customize the filling ingredients?

Absolutely, you can customize the filling ingredients based on your preferences.

You can add or omit vegetables, adjust the spices to your taste, and even incorporate other ingredients like black olives, diced tomatoes, or cooked rice.

What type of cheese can I use for a different flavor?

While the recipe calls for a combination of Red Leicester and Mature cheddar cheese, you can use different cheeses to suit your taste.

Monterey Jack, pepper jack, or a Mexican cheese blend are great alternatives that will melt nicely and add unique flavors.


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