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Tater Tot Casserole Breakfast

Tater Tot Casserole Breakfast

Tater Tot Casserole Breakfast is the ultimate morning comfort food that combines crispy tater tots, savory sausage, eggs, and cheese into a delightful and filling meal. It’s perfect for family breakfasts, brunch gatherings, or even as a make-ahead option. In this article, we’ll share a mouthwatering Tater Tot Casserole Breakfast recipe along with a table sheet format listing all the ingredients required.


Below is a table sheet outlining all the ingredients needed to make this scrumptious Tater Tot Casserole Breakfast:

Frozen Tater Tots1 bag (32 oz)
Ground Breakfast Sausage1 lb
Yellow Onion (chopped)1/2 cup
Red Bell Pepper (chopped)1/2 cup
Eggs6 large
Milk1/2 cup
Salt and PepperTo taste
Shredded Cheddar Cheese1 1/2 cups
Fresh Chives (chopped)2 tbsp
Cooking SprayAs needed


1. Preparing the Sausage and Vegetables

Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). In a large skillet over medium-high heat, cook the ground breakfast sausage until it’s fully browned and cooked through. Add the chopped yellow onion and red bell pepper, and sauté them with the sausage until they become tender. Remove the skillet from heat and set it aside.

2. Whisking the Eggs

In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and milk together until they’re well combined. Season the egg mixture with salt and pepper to taste.

3. Assembling the Casserole

Generously grease a 9×13-inch baking dish with cooking spray. Spread the frozen tater tots in an even layer at the bottom of the dish. Next, evenly spread the cooked sausage and vegetable mixture over the tater tots.

4. Pouring the Egg Mixture

Gently pour the whisked egg and milk mixture over the sausage and tater tots, ensuring it’s distributed evenly.

5. Adding Cheese

Sprinkle the shredded cheddar cheese on top of the casserole, covering it entirely with a generous layer of cheesy goodness.

6. Baking the Casserole

Place the baking dish in the preheated oven and bake the Tater Tot Casserole Breakfast for about 25-30 minutes or until the eggs are fully set and the cheese is golden and bubbly.

7. Garnishing the Casserole

Once the casserole is out of the oven, garnish it with freshly chopped chives for a burst of color and added flavor.

8. Serving the Tater Tot Casserole Breakfast

Allow the Tater Tot Casserole Breakfast to cool slightly before serving. Cut it into squares and serve it hot for a satisfying and delicious breakfast.


1. Can I use hash browns instead of tater tots?

Yes, you can substitute frozen hash browns for tater tots for a slightly different texture.

2. Can I use different types of sausage?

Absolutely! Feel free to use your preferred sausage, such as turkey sausage or spicy sausage, to customize the flavors.

3. Can I add vegetables of my choice?

Yes, you can add other vegetables like spinach, mushrooms, or diced tomatoes to suit your taste preferences.

4. Can I make this casserole ahead of time?

Certainly! Assemble the casserole the night before and refrigerate it. Bake it in the morning for a quick and delicious breakfast.

5. Can I use a different type of cheese?

Yes, you can experiment with different cheeses, like Monterey Jack, pepper jack, or Swiss cheese, for a unique flavor.

6. Can I freeze leftovers?

Yes, you can freeze any leftover casserole in an airtight container for up to three months. Thaw and reheat before enjoying.

Kickstart your day with the hearty and flavorful Tater Tot Casserole Breakfast, a delightful morning dish that’s sure to satisfy your taste buds. The table sheet format provided here ensures you have all the ingredients at your fingertips for a stress-free cooking experience. So, gather your ingredients, preheat your oven, and enjoy the deliciousness of this comforting breakfast casserole.


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