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Instant Pot Taco Rice

Instant Pot Taco Rice

Beefy rice, taco meat, cheddar cheese topped with sour cream and salsa.
This taco rice is going to be a family favorite.

Instant Pot Taco Rice

Instant Pot taco rice is a wonderful recipe for any time of year. Tender white rice, savory ground beef and all the taco toppings. This is always a family favorite.

Weeknight Friendly

Weeknights are always a busy time to try and get dinner on the table. Use the Instant Pot for during the week to create quick and easy dinners that taste delicious. I have become obsessed with my Instant Pot and make everything in it from rice, to hard boiled eggs to Sunday Roasts. I never have much luck cooking rice on the stove top. With my Instant Pot it comes out perfect every single time. We got the Instant Pot fro Christmas one year and I didn’t start using it right away because I was scared. I finally worked up the courage to test it out. I was mad at myself for waiting so long to enjoy its versatility and the great food it makes.

for tacos and I didn’t feel like going to the store to get the stuff to make traditional tacos. This recipe is so easy and it also makes for great leftovers. If you have kids who bring a lunch to school, this rice is perfect to heat up and send in a thermos for lunch time. When I made this Instant Pot Taco Rice I didn’t have a ton of veggies on hand so I topped mine simply with salsa and sour cream. You can add lettuce to this dish,olives, onions, green onions or any veggies you choose. If you wanted to make this Instant Pot Taco Rice more nutrient dense you can add spinach or kale to the meat while you are cooking it. The ingredients you will need to make this Instant Pot Taco Rice are as follows. There is also a full, printable recipe at the end of this post.

A quick look at what you will need


  • 1 lb of lean ground beef
  • 1 10 oz can of diced tomatoes with green chilis
  • 2 boxes of beef flavored rice mix like rice a roni
  • 1 packet of taco seasoning
  • 3 C of water
  • 2 C of cheddar cheese or taco cheese
  • sour cream, salsa, onions, lettuce for toppings
  • 1 can of refried beans
  • Oil for cooking

As I said before, you can top your Instant Pot Taco Rice any way you want, the toppings are simply suggestions. The beans are also up to you, I have served this with refried beans on the bottom of the plate and plated the rice on top of the beans for a more hearty meal.

Tipsy Tip – when you make the rice you only need to use one packet of the seasoning that comes with the rice although you will use two boxes of the rice. If you use both boxes plus the taco seasoning it is way too salty.

I also want to point out that I have a older model of the Instant Pot. My Instant Pot does not have the burn notice so I never get that notice when I make recipes in my Instant Pot. Some people have messaged me with my recipes and tell me that they get a burn notice, I am not sure how to tell you to fix this issue. Some folks have suggested using an Instant Pot insert that you can buy on Amazon that you cook in so that you do not get this burn notice. If anyone has any other tips please feel free to leave them in the comments below.

The steps for making this recipe are super easy and I love that all the cooking is done in one pot and makes for super easy clean up. Here is how you make the Instant Pot Taco Rice:


  1. Set your instant pot to the saute setting and add your cooking oil, I used a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  2. Add your ground beef to the pot and cook it until it is browned and make sure you are crumbling it up as you go.
  3. I did not need to drain my beef because there wasn’t a lot of fat or grease but if you do have that, this is the step where you can drain your beef.
  4. Next I added the two boxes of just the rice and I let the vermicelli and the rice in the rice mix get a little browned.
  5. Next I added ONE seasoning packet from the rice box, the taco seasoning, the can of the tomatoes, the water and I gave it all a stir.
  6. Put the lid on, hit cancel, the hit the rice setting for the full 12 minutes.
  7. When the timer went off, I let the instant pot naturally release for about 15 minutes then released the little bit of steam that was left.
  8. Heat your refried beans on the stove or in the microwave if you are choosing to use the refried beans.
  9. Stir in one cup of the shredded cheese into the beef rice mix until it is melted.
  10. Plate your dish with the beans on the bottom, the taco rice on the top and then add a sprinkle of cheese.
  11. You can top your taco rice anyway you choose with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, sour cream, salsa or hot sauce.
Instant Pot cooked taco rice using ground beef, taco seasoing, tomatoes and beef rice mix.
A delicious and easy dinner for your Instant Pot.


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