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Homemade Salsa Pecante Recipe

Homemade Salsa Pecante Recipe

How to make Homemade Salsa Pecante


4 medium tomatoes (about 1-1/4 pounds total), seeded and cut up

1 medium onion, cut up

¼ cup snipped fresh cilantro or parsley

1 – 2 fresh jalapeño or serrano chile peppers, seeded and halved

2 cloves garlic, minced

½ cup finely chopped green sweet pepper (1 small)

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 tablespoon snipped fresh oregano or 1 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed

1 bay leaf

½ teaspoon sugar

¼ teaspoon salt


Step 1:

Place tomatoes in a blender or food processor. Cover and blend or process until coarsely chopped.


To seed the tomatoes, core and halve them first. Hold each half over a bowl and use the tip of a spoon to scoop away the seeds. If fresh tomatoes aren’t available, use canned diced tomatoes.

Step 2:

Add onion, cilantro, chile peppers, and garlic. Cover and blend or process until finely chopped.


Always wear plastic or rubber gloves when working with chile peppers.

If the cut chiles touch your skin, the oil (depending on the potency of the chile pepper) create a painful tingle that lasts for hours and can’t be washed off.

If you do accidentally touch the chiles, wash hands well with soapy water; avoid touching your eyes until the tingle subsides.

Step 3:

Transfer tomato mixture to a medium saucepan. Stir in sweet pepper, lemon juice, oregano, bay leaf, sugar, and salt.


Adding a bit of sugar helps balance any harshness from the tomatoes and peppers.

Step 4:

Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, about 30 minutes or until salsa reaches desired consistency.


Cooking the salsa will meld the flavors and temper the heat of the peppers.

Step 5:

Discard bay leaf. Cool salsa slightly. Cover and chill for 1 hour to 1 week before serving.

Step 6:

Serve as a dip for chips, as a barbecue sauce or marinade, or as a condiment for main dishes.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 24 kcal | Total Fat: 0.3g | Saturated Fat: 0.1g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 0mg | Sodium: 61mg | Total Carbohydrates: 5.4g | Dietary Fiber: 1.3g | Sugars: 3.1g | Protein: 0.9g

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the difference between jalapeño and serrano chile peppers in terms of spiciness?

Jalapeño peppers are generally milder than serrano peppers. Jalapeños typically have a Scoville heat rating of 2,500 to 8,000, while serrano peppers range from 10,000 to 23,000 Scoville units.

Can I use dried oregano instead of fresh in the salsa recipe?

Yes, you can use dried oregano instead of fresh. Use 1 teaspoon of dried oregano to substitute for 1 tablespoon of fresh oregano.

How long can I store the homemade salsa in the refrigerator?

You can store the homemade salsa in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 weeks. Be sure to keep it in an airtight container.

Is there a substitute for fresh cilantro or parsley in the recipe?

If you don’t have fresh cilantro or parsley, you can use dried cilantro or parsley as a substitute. Use 1 teaspoon of dried herbs for every 1 tablespoon of fresh herbs.

Can I adjust the spiciness of the salsa by adding more or fewer chile peppers?

Yes, you can adjust the spiciness of the salsa by adding more or fewer chile peppers.

If you prefer a milder salsa, use only one chile pepper or remove the seeds and membranes from the peppers before adding them to the blender.

If you prefer it spicier, use two chile peppers and include the seeds and membranes for more heat.

Can I use canned diced tomatoes instead of fresh tomatoes for the salsa?

Yes, if fresh tomatoes are not available, you can use canned diced tomatoes as a substitute. Make sure to drain the canned tomatoes before using them in the recipe.

How can I control the spiciness of the salsa if I’m using jalapeño or serrano chile peppers?

You can control the spiciness of the salsa by adjusting the number of chile peppers you use and whether you include the seeds and membranes.

Using one chile pepper and removing the seeds and membranes will result in a milder salsa, while using two peppers with seeds and membranes will make it spicier.

Can I make the salsa ahead of time and store it for later use?

Yes, you can make the salsa ahead of time and store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

It will keep well for 1 to 2 weeks, allowing you to enjoy it as a condiment or dip for various dishes.

Can I substitute other herbs for oregano in the salsa recipe?

While oregano is traditional in salsa, you can experiment with other herbs if you prefer.

Cilantro is a popular alternative that complements the flavors of the salsa well.

How can I adjust the sweetness of the salsa if I find it too sweet or not sweet enough?

If you find the salsa too sweet, you can reduce or omit the sugar. On the other hand, if you desire a sweeter salsa, you can add a little more sugar to taste.

Adjusting the sweetness allows you to customize the salsa to your preference.


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