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Philly Cheesesteak Recipe

Philly Cheesesteak Recipe

Philly Cheesesteak with tender ribeye steak, melted gooey provolone, and caramelized onions hugged by a toasted garlic butter hoagie roll. This is the classic way to make a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich!

We love re-creating restaurant-quality sandwiches like French Dip and Burgers! This Cheesesteak recipe is easier than you think. Watch the video tutorial below and you’ll know why everyone is talking about it.

Philly cheesesteak sandwich served in a bun with fries and ketchup

What is a Philly Cheesesteak?

Philly Cheesesteak is a sandwich made with super thinly sliced ribeye steak, caramelized onion, and provolone cheese. That simple combination is the original classic as made popular on the East Coast. The Philly Cheesesteak has been modified on the West Coast to include bell peppers and mushrooms but a true “Philly” only has steak, onion and cheese served over a roll.

Ingredients for philly cheesesteak sandwich including ribeye steak, hoagie rolls, provolone cheese, onion, mayo, garlic butter

Which Cut of Beef Should I Use?

Ribeye is the steak of choice for Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches. It is well-marbled and tender when cooked. Another cut that we have used with great results is flank steak which is lean but very tender when cut against the grain. You will need a little extra oil on your cooking surface if using flank steak.

The Best Cheese for Philly Cheesesteak:

The most popular cheese is mild provolone. We have tested a variety of provolone brands and the only one we didn’t enjoy was “aged” provolone from Costco. The flavor of aged provolone cheese was overpowering. Another popular option is white American cheese. Some restaurants in Philadelphia add a Velveeta-like cheese but we like provolone best.

Philly cheesesteak sandwich with melted provolone cheese

Pro-Tips for Thinly Slicing Beef:

The key to a great cheesesteak is super thinly sliced pieces of beef. For easier slicing, cover and freeze your steak for 30-40 minutes (freeze a thicker steak for 40 minutes and a thinner steak for 30 minutes). Cut away any excess fat and silver skin (if present) then use a sharp knife to thinly slice against the grain. Watch Natasha demonstrate this in the video tutorial below.

Time Saving Tip: Ask your butcher to super thinly slice your beef. If you pre-plan this, they could place the steak in the freezer while you do your shopping to achieve those paper-thin slices.

How to thinly slice beef for Philly cheesesteak

How to Make Philly Cheesesteak:

This is one of our easiest sandwich recipes with quick prep and even faster cooking. It is a 30-minute meal. You can cook this on the stove-top, flat cooktop or griddle.

  1. Butter hoagie rolls, dice onion and thinly slice beef
  2. Sautee onions and remove
  3. Sautee beef until cooked through and add back onions
  4. Divide into 4 portions, top each with 2 slices cheese
  5. Cover with buns and scrape into buns with a spatula

Step by step instructions how to make Philly cheesesteak sandwiches

Creative Ways to Serve Philly Cheesesteak:

If you’re craving that beefy cheesy filling and want to skip the bun, there are so many fun ways to serve this mix including some fantastic keto (low carb) Philly Cheese Steak ideas!

  • Over Cooked Pasta or stuffed into Shell Pasta
  • Philly Cheesesteak Sliders
  • (Low Carb) Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Bell Peppers
  • (Low Carb) Stuffed into Portobello Mushrooms

    How to serve philly cheesesteak sandwiches on a hoagie roll

Philly Cheesesteak

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 13 minutes
Total Time: 28 minutes
Philly cheesesteak served on hoagie roll with fries and ketchup
Philly Cheesesteak with tender ribeye steak, melted gooey provolone, and caramelized onions hugged by a toasted garlic butter hoagie roll.
Author: Natasha Kravchuk
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Keyword: philly cheesesteak
Skill Level: Easy
Cost to Make: $13-$16
Calories: 732
Servings:  people


  • 1 lb Ribeye steaktrimmed and thinly sliced*
  • 1/2 tsp Sea saltor to taste
  • 1/2 tsp Black pepperor to taste
  • 1 sweet onion(large), diced
  • 8 slices provolone cheesemild (not aged provolone)
  • 4 Hoagie Rollssliced 3/4 through
  • 2 Tbsp unsalted buttersoftened
  • 1 garlic clovepressed
  • 2-4 Tbsp mayonnaiseor to taste


    1. Slice hoagie rolls 3/4 of the way through with a serrated knife. Dice onions and thinly slice beef.*

    2. In a small bowl, stir together 2 Tbsp softened butter with 1 pressed garlic clove. Spread garlic butter onto the cut sides of 4 hoagie roll. Toast the buns on a large skillet, flat cooktop or griddle on medium heat until golden brown then set aside.

    3. Add 1 Tbsp oil to your pan/cooktop and sautee diced onions until caramelized then transfer to a bowl.
    4. Increase to high heat and add 1 Tbsp oil. Spread the super thinly sliced steak in an even layer. Let brown for a couple of minutes undisturbed then flip and season with 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp black pepper. Sautee until steak is fully cooked through then stir in the caramelized onions.
    5. Divide into 4 even portions and top each with 2 slices of cheese and turn off the heat so the cheese will melt without overcooking the meat.
    6. Spread a thin layer of mayo on the toasted side of each roll. Working with one portion at a time, place a toasted bun over each portion and use a spatula to scrape the cheesy beef into your bun as you flip it over. Serve warm.

Recipe Notes

  • *For easier slicing, cover and freeze your steak for 30-40 minutes (freeze a thicker steak 40 min and a thinner steak 30 min).


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