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Easy Homemade Salsa (Restaurant-Style)

Easy Homemade Salsa (Restaurant-Style)

Homemade salsa is a game-changer. This super easy recipe will have you wondering why you ever purchased store-bought varieties. 

This is an easy restaurant-style salsa that only requires a handful of fresh ingredients. Whether you are hosting a taco night, or just want to munch on some tortilla chips with salsa, you’ll love this fresh salsa recipe.

Fresh homemade salsa recipe served in a bowl garnished with cilantro

Homemade Salsa Recipe

The fresh tomatoes make the salsa taste vibrant and fresh while adding canned diced tomatoes gives it a great depth of flavor just like the irresistible salsa appetizers that are served at Mexican restaurants.

  • Flavor: The perfect salsa is a little spicy, tangy, and savory. If you prefer a spicy salsa, you can adjust the level of spice to your liking by simply adding more jalapenos. 
  • Texture: A nice, restaurant-quality table salsa is fine in texture. Unlike chunky Pico de Gallo, you want this salsa to come out a bit saucier. This is why using a blender or food processor is an absolute must. This makes it perfect for chip dipping or smothering over a burrito, taco, or some grilled meat. 
  • Time: Talk about quick. All you have to do is toss your ingredients into the food processor and let your salsa marinate for a couple of hours before serving. 
Ingredients for fresh salsa with tomatoes, cilantro, onion, lime, jalapeno

How to Make Fresh Salsa 

In just two simple steps, you’ll have a restaurant-quality salsa fit for any occasion. Follow the simple steps below and you’ll be dipping in no time.

  1. Place ingredients into a food processor or blender. Pulse in two-second bursts, or until all the ingredients are chopped and combined.
  2. Place in the refrigerator to marinate for a couple of hours or overnight. 

Pro Tip: Do not over blend your salsa. If you pulse it too much, it will turn into soup. Just a couple of pulses in a food processor will do the trick. 

How to blend Salsa ingredients in a food processor

Tips for the Best Salsa

Yes, making salsa is simple. But who doesn’t love some good tips to make the process even easier and tastier? 

  • Mind the spice. Use as many or as few jalapenos as you prefer. Note: Jalapenos with vertical lines on the outside indicate that the peppers have been aging for some time. The more lines, the spicier they are. 
  • Resist over blending. Only blend the salsa just until it’s incorporated. You want a nice, fine texture where you can still see all the colors of the ingredients (see the picture above for reference). 
  • Allow salsa to marinate. Letting your salsa marinate for a few hours in the refrigerator will yield the best flavors. Don’t skip this step! 
  • Pick the right canned tomatoes. Petite diced is the best cut for this recipe. Also, make sure you aren’t picking up a can with any seasoning. If there’s added salt, be mindful when adding any more into the mix. 
Salsa in a bowl

Serve With:

Homemade salsa is so versatile and isn’t just an appetizer. The possibilities are endless. Use the salsa as a topping for Taco Salad, Mexican Stuffed Bell Peppers, or Carne Asada Street Tacos.

Salsa is also great for breakfast or brunch, especially with Breakfast Quesadillas or Breakfast Burritos. This salsa will make your breakfasts more exciting.

salsa served on an appetizer platter with tortilla chips

Storing Fresh Homemade Salsa

  • Refrigerating: Pour your salsa into an airtight container or Mason Jar and pop in the refrigerator for up to a week. The longer the salsa marinates in the refrigerator, the better it tastes. 
  • Freezing: Fresh tomatoes salsa does not freeze well because it has fresh vegetables which can turn mushy and watery when thawed. If you’re looking for a freezer-friendly salsa, try our Roasted Tomato Salsa.

Pro Tip: Airtight storage containers keep food fresh longer and look so organized in your fridge.

Fresh salsa in a storage container

Easy Homemade Salsa Recipe

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
homemade salsa served restaurant style in a bowl

This easy restaurant-style salsa recipe is a game-changer. Fresh homemade salsa is perfect for taco night or munching with tortilla chips.

Author: Natalya Drozhzhin
Course: Appetizer
Cuisine: Mexican
Keyword: homemade salsa, salsa recipe
Skill Level: Easy
Cost to Make: $5-$8
Calories: 21
Servings: 12 servings


  • 1 lb Roma tomatoeshalved or quartered
  • 12 oz canned petite diced tomatoeswith their juice
  • 1/2 cup white onionchopped
  • 1  jalapeno pepperroughly chopped, seeded
  • 1/3 cup fresh cilantro
  • 2 cloves garlicroughly chopped
  • 1 Tbsp lime juicefrom 1/2 fresh lime
  • 1/2 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 2 tsp saltadjust to taste


  1. Place all of the ingredients into a food processor or high-speed blender. Pulse in 2 second bursts until all ingredients are chopped and combined. Note: Don’t over blend your salsa. You want a fine texture, but not a puree.

  2. Leave salsa covered and refrigerated for a couple of hours before you are ready to serve. This will bring all the flavors together.


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