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Mango Habanero Aguachiles

Mango Habanero Aguachiles

How to make Mango Habanero Aguachiles


1 lb Jumbo Shrimp , shells removed, deveined and butterflied

1 ½ cups Fresh Lime Juice , divided

1 large Mango , peeled and diced

⅔ cup Pineapple Juice

2 Garlic Cloves

1 Habanero. , stemmed and seeds removed (use 2-3 for and leave the seeds in for more heat)

¼ teaspoon ground Coriander

1 teaspoon Kosher Salt , plus more to taste

1 large Cucumber , peeled and sliced

¼ cup Red Onion , thinly sliced

1 Avocado , peeled and sliced


In a small bowl combine the shrimp with 1 cup of fresh lime juice, making sure the shrimp is completely submerged.

Let chill in the fridge.

The shrimp will take 10-12 minutes to cook in the lime juice, they will turn pink once fully cooked.

While the shrimp cook in the lime juice, make the mango habanero sauce.

In a blender, combine the remaining 1/2 cup of lime juice, half of the diced mango, the pineapple juice, garlic, habanero, coriander and salt.

Blend until smooth then taste for salt.

On a large serving dish, lay down your cucumber on the outside perimeter of your dish.

Arrange your shrimp butterfly side down with half of the head end on the cucumber and the tail end on the dish.

Nestle the red onion in the center, then lay the avocado on top followed by the rest of the diced mango.

Drizzle as much of the mango habanero sauce over the shrimp as you’d like, then finish with a sprinkle of sea salt.

Serve with tostadas or saltine crackers.

Nutrition Information:


Amount Per Serving: CALORIES: 250 | TOTAL FAT: 8g | SATURATED FAT: 1g | CHOLESTEROL: 180mg | SODIUM: 700mg | CARBOHYDRATES: 200g | FIBER: 4g | SUGAR: 13g | PROTEIN:25

Frequently Asked Questions:

What type of shrimp is best for this recipe?

Jumbo shrimp are recommended for this recipe because of their size and texture. Make sure they are fresh and properly cleaned.

You can also use medium or large shrimp, but the cooking time in lime juice might vary.

Can I cook the shrimp traditionally instead of using lime juice?

The use of lime juice to “cook” the shrimp is a method used in many Latin American countries and gives the shrimp a unique texture and flavor. The acid in the lime juice denatures the proteins in the shrimp, effectively “cooking” them.

If you’re not comfortable with this method, you can poach the shrimp briefly in boiling water until pink, then cool and use as directed.

How can I adjust the heat of the habanero sauce?

Habaneros are very spicy chiles. If you prefer a milder sauce, remove the seeds from the habanero before blending. For a spicier sauce, include more habaneros or leave the seeds in.


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