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Frijoles Charros

Frijoles Charros

How to make Frijoles Charros


1/2 pound of bacon browned

1/2 pack of Wieners

1/2 yellow onion chopped2 ribs of celery chopped

2 tomatoes chopped

2 serranos chopped

2 garlic cloves minced

4 sweet peppers chopped I used red and yellow

Salt and pepper to taste

1 pot of cooked pintos

Chorizo and ham (optional)


In a skillet add your cut bacon and brown it up.

Add wieners and sauté a bit.

Add the next 8 ingredients and sauté until onion is translucent add the mixture to your cooked beans and simmer for 30 minutes… Done!

Serve as a side or main dish with homemade corn tortillas…


Nutrition Information:

YIELD: 4 servings | SERVING SIZE: 1

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I make Frijoles Charros without bacon?

Yes, you can omit the bacon if you prefer a vegetarian version or want to reduce the fat content. You can enhance the flavor by using other seasonings or spices.

Can I substitute the Wieners with another type of sausage?

Yes, you can use a different type of sausage such as chorizo, smoked sausage, or any other sausage of your choice. It can add its own unique flavor to the dish.

Can I use canned beans instead of cooking them from scratch?

Yes, you can use canned pintos beans as a time-saving alternative. Simply drain and rinse them before adding them to the skillet with the other ingredients.Adjust the cooking time accordingly since canned beans are already cooked.

How spicy is Frijoles Charros with serranos?

Serranos are generally considered medium to hot in terms of spiciness. If you prefer a milder version, you can reduce the number of serranos or remove the seeds and membranes before chopping them.

Can I use different types of peppers in Frijoles Charros?

Absolutely! You can customize the recipe by using different types of peppers according to your taste preferences.

You can experiment with jalapenos, poblano peppers, or even bell peppers to vary the flavor and spiciness.

How can I make Frijoles Charros spicier?

If you prefer a spicier version of Frijoles Charros, you can increase the amount of serranos or add additional spicy ingredients such as crushed red pepper flakes or hot sauce. Adjust the amount to your desired level of heat.

Can I freeze Frijoles Charros for later use?

Yes, Frijoles Charros can be frozen. Allow the dish to cool completely, then transfer it to airtight containers or freezer bags. It can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Thaw and reheat before serving.

What are some serving suggestions for Frijoles Charros?

Frijoles Charros can be served as a side dish alongside grilled meats, tacos, or enchiladas. It can also be enjoyed as a main dish with rice and tortillas. Garnish with fresh cilantro, diced onions, and a squeeze of lime for added flavor.

Can I make Frijoles Charros in advance?

Yes, Frijoles Charros can be made in advance. After simmering the mixture for 30 minutes, allow it to cool and store it in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days. Reheat on the stovetop before serving.

Are there any vegetarian or vegan alternatives for this recipe?

Yes, you can make a vegetarian version of Frijoles Charros by omitting the bacon and Wieners. Instead, you can add vegetarian alternatives such as vegetarian bacon or s


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