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Baked Sweet Potato Recipe

 A Baked Sweet Potato is a classic side dish that’s so easy to make yet so versatile. Learn how to bake sweet potatoes in the oven that are perfectly fluffy and creamy in the center.

Four sweet potatoes on a plate topped with butter and chives.

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From our popular Creamy Sweet Potato Soup to Sweet Potato Casserole for Thanksgiving, we love sweet potatoes in our family. With their fluffy-creamy texture and sweet and savory flavor profile, it’s no wonder everyone loves sweet potatoes (including our kids). We especially enjoy them in the cold months – it’s such a comforting and nutritious root vegetable.

Baked Sweet Potatoes

This roasted sweet potato recipe will surely become your go-to side for so many reasons. Here’s why you will love this recipe:

  • Easy to Make – The prep takes just 5 minutes and your oven does the rest.
  • Versatile – The potato may be enjoyed as a side with Steak, Baked Chicken Breast, Pork Tenderloin, and so many different dishes, or enjoyed as a meal if loaded with sweet or savory toppings (see topping ideas below). 
  • Healthy – There are so many health benefits to sweet potatoes, and you definitely want to incorporate this vegetable into your diet. Sweet potatoes are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber as you can see in the nutrition label below.

How to Bake Sweet Potatoes

  1. Clean Potatoes – Since the sweet potato is a root vegetable grown underground, you want to thoroughly clean it. Rice and scrub the skin of the potato and pat dry. 
  2. Poke Holes – Once cleaned, poke holes in the potato with a fork. This allows any excess moisture to be released as the potatoes are baked at high a temperature.
  3. Bake – Add sweet potatoes onto your parchment-lined, rimmed baking sheet and cook until the thickest part of the potato is tender.

How Long to Bake a Sweet Potato

Just like any other roasting method, the baking time will vary depending on the oven itself (all ovens are different), the size of the potato, and the cooking temperature. Here’s a general guide for a medium/large potato and bake until the potato easily pierces in the center:

  • At 375°F – Bake for 60-75 minutes
  • At 400°F – Bake for 45-60 minutes
  • At 425°F – Bake for 40-50 minutes

Pro Tip: You can bake a sweet potato in the Air Fryer or in an Instant Pot if you want them done even faster, just prep potatoes the same way and follow our tutorial for Air Fryer Baked Potatoes or Instant Pot Baked Potatoes, adjusting the timing for the size of the sweet potato.

Topping Ideas

A baked sweet potato may be enjoyed plain with some butter, or you can get as creative as you’d like. Here are some of our favorite toppings:

  • Honey Butter
  • Candied Walnuts
  • Mini marshmallows
  • Crispy Air Fryer Bacon 
  • Butter – melt a generous pat over the potato
  • Chives, or green onions
  • Beef Chili

Common Questions

Is it better to wrap sweet potatoes in foil?

Wrapping in foil is not necessary for this recipe. The skin is a natural barrier that will keep the center from drying out. It’s also easier to check for doneness if you don’t have to unwrap them.

What is the difference between a yam and a sweet potato?

While yams and sweet potatoes are sometimes labeled interchangeably in US grocery stores, they are actually quite different. Sweet potatoes have a reddish or orange exterior while yams have a brown exterior, can grow significantly larger and are rarely available in American grocery stores.

How do you know when a sweet potato is cooked?

You’ll know a sweet potato is done baking when you pierce a knife into the thickest part of the potato without resistance.

Do you have to poke holes into the sweet potato?

Sweet potatoes should be poked several times through the skin before baking to allow the steam to escape. Otherwise, a sweet potato can explode in the oven.

Serve With

Roasted sweet potatoes are so versatile and may be enjoyed in so many different ways!

  • Side Dish – Enjoy as a side dish to your favorite entrees like Meatloaf or even Teriyaki Salmon.
  • In Salad – Add to a salad like our popular Roasted Sweet Potato Salad.
  • As a meal – Top with Mississippi Roast or our Pulled Pork as a meal.
  • Meal planning – The roasted potatoes are great for meal planning and may be enjoyed whole or diced once roasted.


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