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Revealing hot photos of Justin Bieber and his wife behind the scenes

The behind-the-scenes photos of the lipstick couple are also commented by fans as hotter than the original photos.

A few hours ago, the online community couldn't help but whisper when they shared a series of behind-the-scenes photos of the couple Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin. Accordingly, the couple has just made a set of extremely sexy lingerie advertising photos after the wedding of the century. Not only causing a fever with the top beauty and standard body, the behind-the-scenes photos of Justin and Hailey also made fans flutter with romantic moments.

The hot behind-the-scenes photo of Justin and his wife

These behind-the-scenes photos are also commented by fans as hotter than the original photos. The reason lies in the position Justin holds his wife in his arms, while the female model hugs tightly and wraps her legs across her husband's back. Therefore, many people think that the posture of Justin Bieber and his wife is quite sensitive, easy to make viewers "blush" shy.

However, the series of photos still makes many people excited by the perfect physique of Justin and Hailey. Since reuniting and getting engaged in July 2018, Justin has constantly loved his wife on his personal page. In public, the couple is also not afraid to show affection.

The somewhat sensitive posture of the lipstick couple attracts many people's attention

After the wedding of the century on September 30, Justin officially brought Hailey to the palace in the blessing of many friends and fans. Although he did not reveal the wedding, Justin still could not hide his happiness when he constantly showed his wife's photos on Instagram. He posted a picture of his wife kissing his wife at a wedding held in South Carolina with the caption: " Hailey, you are my bride. I hope to be with you forever."

However, many people think that the series of behind-the-scenes photos are hotter and sexier than the original photos

Recently, Justin Bieber also made people jealous when he shared a wedding photo with the caption "My wife" as if to mark "sovereignty". The male singer also just released the MV "10,000 hours" with many words of love for his wife. In the MV, Justin and his wife never stopped kissing passionately.

The couple just got married on September 30 

The male singer's 22-year-old wife also posted a series of wedding photos on her personal page and affirmed: "Until death do us part".

Before getting married, Justin used to be a famous Hollywood killer and had a scandalous love story with beautiful Selena Gomez. The couple was praised as "a good boy and girl" and received a lot of support from fans. However, after many years of ups and downs, Justin and Selena announced their separation in the regret of fans. 

After breaking up with Selena, Justin dated Hailey and got married not long after. Since the day of publicizing their love, Justin and Hailey have encountered many scandals when compared to their ex-lovers. However, Justin always defends and insists Hailey is his wife. This makes public opinion less negative rumors. Currently, the love of the son couple Justin and Hailey is always the subject of much public attention.


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