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My Amish friend brought these guys to a recent potluck and everyone drooled over them!

My Amish friend brought these guys to a recent potluck and everyone drooled over them!

Discover the delightful world of Amish cuisine with our recipe for Amish Onion Fritters. These golden, crispy delights embody the essence of comfort food, promising a culinary experience that satisfies both the palate and the soul. Dive into the heartwarming flavors of traditional Amish cooking and elevate your next meal with this beloved dish.

Ingredients for Amish Onion Fritters:

Indulge in the simplicity of our Amish Onion Fritters recipe, crafted with care and attention to detail. Here’s what you’ll need to recreate this delectable dish:

Sweet onions2 large, thinly sliced
All-purpose flour1 cup
Baking powder1 teaspoon
Salt1 teaspoon
Black pepper1/2 teaspoon
Paprika (optional)1/4 teaspoon
Large egg1
Milk3/4 cup
Vegetable oilFor frying

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Follow these simple steps to prepare and savor the irresistible Amish Onion Fritters:

1. Prepare the Batter: Begin by whisking together the flour, baking powder, salt, pepper, and optional paprika in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, lightly beat the egg and combine it with the milk. Gradually incorporate the wet ingredients into the dry mixture until a soft batter forms.

2. Coat the Onions: Gently fold the thinly sliced onions into the batter, ensuring that each piece is thoroughly coated. This step is crucial for achieving that perfect balance of flavor and texture in every bite.

3. Fry the Fritters: Heat vegetable oil in a skillet over medium heat until it reaches 365°F. Carefully spoon the onion batter into the hot oil, forming small fritters. Fry each side until golden brown, typically 2-3 minutes per side. Be sure to fry in batches to avoid overcrowding the skillet.

4. Drain Excess Oil: Once fried to perfection, transfer the fritters onto paper towels to drain any excess oil. This will help maintain their crispiness while ensuring they are not overly greasy.

5. Serve Warm: Serve the Amish Onion Fritters warm, garnished with your favorite herbs or accompanied by a dollop of sour cream for added indulgence.

Serving Suggestions for Amish Onion Fritters:

Enhance your culinary experience with these serving suggestions:

  • Pair with a hearty stew or soup for a satisfying meal.
  • Serve as an appetizer at your next gathering to impress guests.
  • Enjoy alongside a crisp salad for a refreshing contrast of flavors.
  • Include as a side dish with baked beans for a wholesome, Midwestern-inspired feast.
  • Quench your thirst with iced tea or lemonade to complement the savory notes of the fritters.


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