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Fancy Chicken Salad Recipe

Fancy Chicken Salad Recipe

We call this Fancy Chicken Salad because of the dressing, grapes, and pecans, but it’s truly easy. This is a fresher and lightened-up version of classic chicken salad and it’s perfect for meal prep.

This is the perfect side dish or main course. It’s especially easy if you use leftover Roasted Chicken. Watch the video tutorial and see how simple it is.

Chicken salad in mixing bowl garnished with dill
We love protein-packed salads like our Chicken Avocado SaladAutumn Chopped Chicken Salad, and Cobb Salad. This creamy chicken salad is really the best combination of chicken salad and Waldorf salad that will become a go-to for lunch. 
Croissant Chicken Salad Sandwich

Ingredients for Chicken Salad

The 5 ingredients in this chicken salad are so simple, but each one is important for the best taste, texture, and color.

  • Chicken – we use 2 large chicken breasts from a whole roasted chicken, but you can use rotisserie chicken or sauteed chicken breasts instead. Leftover dark meat chicken will also work.
  • Celery – adds a great crunch to the salad and lightens up the flavor. Even if you aren’t a fan of celery, don’t skimp on it and I hope you give it a try.
  • Grapes – add sweet juiciness to the salad. Just like in our Broccoli Grape Salad, the grapes are a refreshing addition and make the salad feel ‘fancy.’
  • Pecans – we toasted nuts on a dry skillet to give them even more flavor.
  • Red onion – finely chop half of a medium red onion, or you can add red onion to taste. You can also substitute for chopped green onion, but red onion keeps better refrigerated.
Ingredients for making chicken salad with roasted chicken, celery, grapes, pecans and onion

The Best Chicken Salad Dressing

This is similar to the dressing we love for our popular Broccoli Salad, except we didn’t add any sugar or honey since the grapes add plenty of sweetness. This dressing is creamy, tangy and adding sour cream makes it lighter than just using mayo.

  • Mayonnaise – use real mayo for the best flavor.
  • Sour cream – we use full-fat sour cream, but you can substitute it with low-fat sour cream or fat-free Greek yogurt.
  • Lemon juice – be sure to use freshly squeezed and not from concentrate.
  • Dill – finely chopped fresh dill is our favorite, but you can substitute with 2 Tbsp of finely chopped fresh parsley.
  • Salt and Pepper – added to taste
Ingredients for the best chicken salad dressing

How to Make Chicken Salad

  1. Toast pecans – place on a dry skillet over medium/low heat and toss frequently until pecans are golden and fragrant. Transfer to a cutting board to coarsely chop and set aside to cool then add to a large bowl.
  2. Chop Chicken – dice chicken breast and add it to the mixing bowl. Note: we prefer the texture of chicken when it’s diced instead of shredded.
  3. Halve Grapes – cut grapes in half with a serrated knife and add to the bowl.
  4. Chop celery – trim off ends, cut celery sticks in half lengthwise then thinly slice and add to the bowl.
  5. Onion – finely chop and add half of a red onion.
  6. Make Dressing – combine dressing ingredients and add dressing to the salad.
  7. Toss to combine – stir until salad is evenly coated in dressing, then cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
Making chicken salad in a bowl

How to Serve Chicken Salad

This salad can be served as a side salad or as a main course. We love to serve it for lunch because it’s easy to turn it into a meal.

  • Over Mixed Greens – place your favorite greens such as arugula or mixed salad greens into a large bowl, top with the chicken salad, and serve.
  • Lettuce Cups – serving in lettuce cups is a great low-carb option for lunch.
  • Croissant Sandwiches – Cut the croissant in half without cutting all the way through then fill it with the salad. It tastes like a bakery-quality sandwich.
  • Pita Bread – we love to stuff a pita with chicken salad, it’s so simple and good.

Pro Tip: The best way to reheat a croissant is to toast it in an air fryer at 350˚F for 3 minutes until it’s lightly crisp on the outside and warmed through. This is what we do with store-bought croissants and they taste like they just came out of a bakery oven.

Serving suggestions for chicken salad mix over salad, lettuce cups and crossants


To Refrigerate – Store the leftover chicken salad in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days depending on how fresh the cooked chicken is. The USDA recommends storing cooked chicken for 3-4 days in the refrigerator.

I hope this creamy chicken salad gives you some great lunchtime inspiration. I’m convinced this will become your new favorite creamy dressing – it’s easy and excellent.

Fancy Chicken Salad Recipe

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Chicken salad in bowl

We call this Fancy Chicken Salad but it's truly easy. Its a fresher and lighter version of classic creamy chicken salad and it keeps well so it’s perfect for meal prep.

Author: Natasha Kravchuk
Course: Salad, Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Chicken Salad
Skill Level: Easy
Cost to Make: $10-$12
Calories: 438
Servings: 6 people as a side salad


Chicken Salad Ingredients:

  • 1 lb cooked chicken breast meat4 cups diced*
  • 2 cups seedless red grapeshalved
  • 1 cup celery, cut in halve lengthwise then sliced(from 2-3 sticks celery)
  • 1/2 cup red onionfinely chopped (1/2 medium red onion)
  • 1 cup pecanstoasted and coarsely chopped

Chicken Salad Dressing:

  • 1/2 cup mayo
  • 1/2 cup sour creamor plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 Tbsp dillfinely chopped
  • 1/2 tsp saltor to taste
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper


  1. Place the pecans on a dry skillet over medium/low heat and toast for 3-5 minutes, tossing frequently until golden and fragrant then transfer to a cutting board and coarsely chop and set aside to cool.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine diced chicken, halved grapes, sliced celery, chopped onion and cooled pecans.
  3. In a small bowl, add all of the dressing ingredients and stir to combine.
  4. Add all of the dressing to the salad, or add it to taste and stir until salad is evenly coated with dressing. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.


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