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Beef and Broccoli with the Best Sauce

Beef and Broccoli with the Best Sauce

Beef and Broccoli is an easy, 1-pan, 30-minute meal that is loaded with fresh broccoli, tender nutrition-packed beef, and the best stir fry sauce. Thank you to Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner. on behalf of the Beef Checkoff for sponsoring this recipe which is perfect for the busy back to school season.

Stir fry recipes like our Beef Stir Fry and Fried Rice have become reader favorites because they are fast and healthier than going out. This Beef and Broccoli Recipe definitely satisfies the craving for takeout. Watch the video recipe below and see how easy it is!

Beef and broccoli recipe in fry pan garnished with sesame seeds

Beef and Broccoli Recipe:

Beef is delicious and protein-packed to give you the sustained strength you need to get through the back to school season. We also made sure to add plenty of broccoli for a balanced meal. Beef is so versatile for stir fry. You can add your favorite vegetables to this recipe like snap peas, bell peppers, carrots, and even mushrooms.

Close up of beef and broccoli recipe with the best stir fry sauce

Ingredients for broccoli beef with the best cut of beef for stir fry

How to Make Beef and Broccoli:

This recipe moves fast and comes together in 1 skillet, so you want to have all of your ingredients prepped and ready to go before you fire up the stove. It is just 6 steps in one skillet!

  1. Slice beef strips
  2. Make stir fry sauce
  3. Cook broccoli and remove from pan.
  4. Cook beef
  5. Add stir fry sauce
  6. Return broccoli to the pan

Step by step photos how to make broccoli beef

The Best Beef and Broccoli Sauce:

Many stir fry recipes have gone wrong with a poorly made sauce. We tested this recipe over and over until we arrived at the perfect balance of sweet and savory. For the best stir fry sauce:

  • Use low sodium soy sauce (or Gluten Free Tamari)
  • Use the right amount of fresh ginger – it has strong flavor so don’t overdo it.
  • Do not skip the sesame oil as it gives authentic flavor
  • Simmer sauce at least 3 minutes to mellow out garlic and ginger
  • For a thinner sauce, add 2 Tbsp water at the end
How to make sauce for beef and broccoli

How to Ensure Tender Beef?

The right cut (see list above) can make all the difference in a stir fry. Here are our best tips to achieve tender beef:

  • Freeze steak 30 minutes for easier slicing
  • Use a sharp knife to cut super thin slices against the grain
  • Add steak to a HOT skillet to sear and seal in juices
  • Don’t overcrowd the pan or it cools quickly and will steam cook
Tender beef with broccoli in homemade stir fry sauce.

Can I Make Beef and Broccoli Ahead?

This saucy beef and broccoli recipe reheats really well so it’s perfect for weekly meal prep and to-go lunches for school and work. The protein and nutrients found in beef give you and your family the strength and energy you need to get through the busy school season.

For meal prep: add cooled rice to a heat-safe container and top with the Beef Broccoli Stir Fry, then cover and refrigerate until ready to heat and serve (Beef and Broccoli can be refrigerated up to 4 days).

How to Pack a Hot Thermos:

Pack a hot thermos in the morning and it will be warm at lunchtime. A hot thermos can keep food hot for 5 hours before it’s eaten, and this Broccoli Beef is the Best. School. Lunch. Ever!

  1. Heat the thermos first by filling 3/4 full with boiling water (do not overfill), cover with lid and let sit 5 min and drain just before adding food.
  2. Meanwhile, heat food to 165˚F. Place into the heated thermos and close with lid.
Meal prepped broccoli beef served over white rice in to-go box or thermos

Beef and Broccoli Recipe

4.99 from 1160 votes
Prep Time: 17 minutes
Cook Time: 13 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

Beef and Broccoli is an easy, 1-pan, 30-minute meal that is loaded with fresh broccoli, tender nutrition-packed beef, and the best stir fry sauce. We love this over steamy white rice.

Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Asian
Keyword: beef and broccoli
Skill Level: Easy
Cost to Make: $14-$18
Calories: 385
Servings: 4 people


Beef and Broccoli Ingredients:

  • 1 lb flank steakvery thinly sliced into bite-sized strips
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil (or vegetable oil), divided
  • 1 lb broccoli(cut into 6 cups of florets)
  • 2 tsp sesame seedsoptional garnish

Stir Fry Sauce Ingredients:

  • 1 tsp fresh gingergrated (loosely packed)
  • 2 tsp garlicgrated (from 3 cloves)
  • 1/2 cup hot water
  • 6 Tbsp low sodium soy sauce(or GF Tamari)
  • 3 Tbsp packed light brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp corn starch
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 2 Tbsp sesame oil


  1. Prep: Start cooking white rice first so it's ready when the stir fry is done. Cover and freeze steak 30 minutes for easier slicing.

  2. Combine all stir fry sauce ingredients in a bowl, stir well to dissolve the sugar, and set aside.

  3. Place a large skillet over medium heat and add 1 Tbsp oil.  Add broccoli florets and sauté 4-5 minutes, partially covered with lid, stirring or tossing several times until broccoli is bright green and crisp-tender then remove from pan. Tip: If you prefer softer broccoli, add 2 Tbsp water before covering with the lid and it will steam cook the broccoli.
  4. Increase heat to high heat and add 1 Tbsp oil. Add beef in a single layer and sauté 2 minutes per side or just until cooked through. Quickly pull out a piece to test for doneness.
  5. Add the sauce, reduce heat to medium/low and simmer 3-4 minutes. It will thicken. Add broccoli and stir to combine. Stir in 1-2 Tbsp water to thin the sauce if desired. Serve over white rice.


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