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Surf and Turf Recipe

Surf and Turf Recipe

Surf and Turf (Steak and Shrimp) is easy, excellent, and our favorite Valentine’s Day Dinner. The tender filet mignon steak is seared in garlic rosemary butter and the shrimp sizzles in that same flavored butter sauce. All you need are some Boiled New Potatoes to make it a meal.

This truly tastes like dining at a fancy steakhouse – it’s super flavorful, juicy, and memorable. Did I mention it took me less than 30 minutes to make? Pair it with Chocolate Souffle and your menu is golden. Watch the video tutorial and see how easy this is.

Surf and turf cooked in skillet with rosemary garlic butter

Ingredients for Steak and Shrimp

The key to making great surf and turf is all of the accumulated flavors from cooking the steak and shrimp in the same pan with flavored butter. The ingredients here are simple, but the flavors are memorable.

  • Filet Mignon – steaks should be even thickness and about 1 1/2″ thick
  • Shrimp – use large 21-25 count shrimp
  • Salt and Pepper – we use fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper and make sure to season just before you start cooking.
  • Oil – use a vegertable oil, extra LIGHT olive oil or any high heat cooking oil.
  • Unsalted Butter – I like to cut it into pieces so it melts quickly in the skillet. Swirl the pan as it melts so it doesn’t spatter.
  • Garlic – use 2 large cloves, peeled and cut into quarters
  • Rosemary – one sprig is sufficient to infuse the butter with rosemary flavor and aroma

    Ingredients for making steak and shrimp dinner

How to Make Surf and Turf

    1. Prep Steaks and Shrimp – pat dry with paper towels and season with salt and black pepper.
    2. Heat the pan – place a heavy skillet or cast iron pan over medium/high heat and once it’s starting to smoke, swirl in 1/2 Tbsp oil.
    3. Sear steaks – sear steaks for 4 minutes on the first side, 3 minutes on the second side and then sear the edges for 30-60 seconds per edge. Remove from heat 10 degrees before your desired temp on a thermometer. Transfer to a plate and tent with foil. The temperature will rise as it rests.
    4. Flavored Butter – reduce skillet to medium heat and melt in 3 Tbsp butter with quartered garlic cloves and a rosemary sprig.
    5. Sautee shrimp – Add shrimp and sautee in a single layer for `1 minute, flip and cook another minute until opaque and pink then remove from heat.
    6. Return steaks to the pan along with any accumulated juices. Turn the steaks to coat and spoon more flavored butter over them. Serve and enjoy.

      Step by step how to sear steak and shrimp in a cast iron pan with flavored butter
      Surf and turf dinner cooked in a black cast iron pan

Steak Doneness Chart

    1. When using an expensive cut of meat, or any cut of meat really, a good Thermometer will give you confidence in the kitchen. Since a steak will continue to cook and increase in temperature when it’s taken off the heat, you’ll want to remove the steak from the skillet about 10 degrees before the final desired temperature. These are the final resting temperatures that we aim for:

      • 130˚F for Medium-Rare
      • 135˚F for Medium doneness (Natasha’s favorite)
      • 140˚F for Medium-Well doneness

        Filet mignon steaks cooked to medium doneness

Common Questions

      • What is Surf and Turf?

        Surf and turf is the combination of seafood (surf) and red meat (turf). The seafood can be anything from shrimp to Lobster or scallops and the turf is typically a great steak. If you aren’t able to source Filet Mignon or Beef Tenderloin, you can substitute with New York Steak, Ribeye, or Top Sirloin, which are all excellent cuts that will yield tender results.

        Can I cook this on the grill?

        You can make grilled surf and turf, just place your cast iron skillet on the grill over medium/high heat. I would definitely use a skillet to benefit from the pan juices and flavored butter.

        Can I substitute the filet mignon?

        Yes, you can use your favorite steak here and cook to your desired doneness. A better quality steak with more marbling will yield tender results. Also, go for a steak that is about 1 1/2″ thick. If it is too thick, it will take longer to cook on the skillet.

How to Serve

      • We love to serve this as a main course paired with these simple sides:

        Plated steak and shrimp served with new potatoes
        I’ll never stop loving this steak and shrimp meal. I love the simple ingredients, how easy it is to make, and how incredible it tastes.

    Surf and Turf (Steak and Shrimp)

      • Prep Time: 15 minutes
        Cook Time: 15 minutes
        Total Time: 30 minutes
        Surf and Turf on a skillet with garlic rosemary butter
        Surf and Turf is easy, excellent, and our favorite Valentine’s Day Dinner. The tender filet mignon steak is seared in garlic rosemary butter and the shrimp sizzles in that same flavored butter sauce.

        Author: Natasha Kravchuk
        Course: Main Course
        Cuisine: American
        Keyword: steak and shrimp, surf and turf
        Skill Level: Easy
        Cost to Make: $30-$40 (varies by market price)
        Calories: 880
        Servings: 2 people


        • 1 lb filet mignon2 steaks, each 1 1/2” thick
        • 12 oz large shrimppeeled, deveined, tail-on (21-25 count)
        • 1 1/4 tsp fine sea saltdivided, or to taste
        • 3/4 tsp black pepperdivided, or to taste
        • 1/2 Tbsp vegetable oilor any high heat cooking oil
        • 3 Tbsp unsalted butter
        • 2 garlic clovespeeled and quartered
        • 1 sprig fresh rosemary


        1. Pat dry shrimp and steaks thoroughly with a paper towel. Just before cooking, season the steak season with 1 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp black pepper, and season shrimp with 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp black pepper or to taste.

        2. Heat a large cast-iron skillet over medium/high heat. Once it’s hot to the point where it’s just starting to smoke, add 1/2 Tbsp olive and swirl the skillet to coat.

        3. Add the steaks and sear for 4 minutes on the first side then flip and sear for 3-4 minutes on the second side. Using tongs, turn the steaks on their sides to render the white fat and sear the edges (30-60 seconds per edge). Remove from the skillet when it is about 10 degrees from your desired doneness on a thermometer (the temperature will continue to rise as it rests). Transfer the steaks to a plate and tent with foil to rest.

        4. Reduce the heat to medium and right away add 3 Tbsp butter, quartered garlic cloves, and a sprig of rosemary.

        5. Add the seasoned shrimp to the pan and spread in a single layer. Sauté about 1 minute per side or until pink and opaque and cooked through then immediately remove the skillet from the heat.


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