These Grilled Pork Chops are perfect for summertime, but to be honest, you can whip them up all year long. The best part is that they’re always juicy on the inside and they form a perfectly seasoned crust on the outside. When it comes to serving, you can use them for everything from the main entree to a salad topper.
If you love a great Grilled Steak, you’ll love these juicy grilled pork chops. It’s a more affordable option than expensive cuts of beef and a great way to satisfy your BBQ cravings.
Grilled Pork Chops that are Actually Juicy
Ingredients for this Grilled Pork Chops Recipe
How to Make Grilled Pork Chops
Serve With
There are a million and one different ways you can serve your pork chops – they are such a versatile protein! Here are a couple of our favorite pairings:
BBQ Sauce – brush the cooked pork chops with Homemade BBQ Sauce or your favorite storebought bbq sauce.
With Potatoes – Pair the chops with garlic mashed potatoes, air fryer baked potatoes, or boiled potatoes for a hearty and comforting meal.
Over Salad – Pork chops pair wonderfully with sweet and salty salads like our shaved brussels sprouts salad, broccoli cauliflower salad, or Caesar Salad.
With Veggies – For a simple low-carb meal, pair the grilled pork chops with grilled corn on the cob, or roasted asparagus
Common Questions
How long should I cook grilled pork chops?
It takes about 5 minutes per side to grill pork chops if they are bone-in loin chops and about 2-inches thick. If you are using boneless pork chops or much thinner chops, they will cook much quicker.
Can grilled pork chops be slightly pink inside?
Yes, it’s perfectly normal for grilled pork chops to be slightly pink on the inside. If they are cooked to medium-rare (145°F), they will likely be pink and that’s perfectly safe. If you’re uncomfortable with pink, you can bring them to 155°F but they won’t be as juicy. Use an instant-read thermometer to get to your desired doneness.
Can I use a charcoal grill?
As a general rule of thumb, pork chops will cook quicker on a charcoal grill than they will on a gas grill. The fiery, hot direct heat from the coals will sear the chops quicker, so it’s important to try and regulate the heat and tamper the flames a bit before tossing them on.
Storage & Reheating Tips
To keep your pork chops fresh for up to a week, store your leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge. When you’re ready to reheat them, cover them in foil and pop them back on the grill until warmed through. You can also reheat them in the air fryer or the microwave – just be sure to watch them closely so they don’t overcook!
Juicy Grilled Pork Chops Recipe
Prep Time:10minutes
Cook Time:10minutes
Total Time:20minutes
How to make Grilled Pork Chops that are always juicy on the inside with a perfectly seasoned crust. This is the best way to grill pork chops. Brush with BBQ sauce to serve if desired.
Author:Natalya Drozhzhin
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Keyword: grilled pork chops, how to grill pork chops, pork marinade
In a separate bowl, combine the olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt, and black pepper to create the marinade.
Rub the marinade evenly all over the sides of the pork chops and place them in a bowl covered with plastic wrap. Allow them to marinate for at least an hour in the refrigerator.
Grill the pork chops on high for about 5 minutes on each side (the cooking time will depend on the thickness of the pork chops). They are fully cooked when the internal temperature reaches 145°F on an instant-read thermometer.*
Allow the pork chops to rest for 10 minutes before serving them, bringing them to 145°F.
Pechugas de pollo rellenas de arándanos y espinacas con queso brie Ingredientes: 4 pechugas de pollo deshuesadas y sin piel Sal y pimienta al gusto 4 oz de queso brie, en rodajas 1 taza de espinacas frescas, salteadas 1/2 taza de arándanos rojos secos 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva Romero fresco, para decorar Opcional: arándanos rojos frescos para decorar Instrucciones: Prepara las pechugas de pollo: Precalienta el horno a 375 °F (190 °C). Corta con cuidado cada pechuga de pollo en forma horizontal para crear un bolsillo. Sazona ambos lados con sal y pimienta. Rellena el pollo: Rellena cada bolsillo con rodajas de brie, espinacas salteadas y un puñado de arándanos rojos secos. Usa palillos para asegurar si es necesario. Dorar y hornear: En una sartén apta para horno, calentar el aceite de oliva a fuego medio. Dorar cada pechuga de pollo rellena durante 2-3 minutos por lado hasta que se dore. Transferir la sartén al horno y hornear durante 15-20 minutos, o hast...
Masa filo en capas con queso brie, salsa de arándanos y nueces Ingredientes: 12 láminas de masa filo, descongeladas 8 oz (225 g) de queso brie, en rodajas finas ½ taza de salsa de arándanos (casera o comprada) ½ taza de nueces tostadas picadas gruesas 3 cucharadas de miel (más extra para rociar) 4 cucharadas de mantequilla derretida (para pincelar la masa filo) Tomillo fresco (opcional, para decorar) Instrucciones: Precaliente el horno: Precaliente el horno a 375 °F (190 °C) y cubra una bandeja para hornear grande con papel pergamino. Prepara las capas de masa filo: Coloca una hoja de masa filo y úntala ligeramente con mantequilla derretida. Coloca otra hoja encima y úntala con más mantequilla. Repite hasta que tengas una pila de 6 hojas. Corta la pila en rectángulos (de unos 10 x 10 cm) y colócalos en la bandeja para hornear preparada. Repite con las hojas de masa filo restantes para crear más capas. Hornea la masa filo: Hornea los rectángulos de ...
Tarro de queso y aceitunas marinado Ingredientes 1 taza de queso en cubos (cheddar, mozzarella o provolone) 1 taza de aceitunas mixtas (verdes, kalamata o negras) 1/2 taza de pimiento rojo cortado en cubitos 1 diente de ajo picado 1 cucharadita de orégano seco 1/2 cucharadita de tomillo seco Perejil fresco picado Sal y pimienta negra al gusto 1 taza de aceite de oliva virgen extra Instrucciones Prepara los ingredientes: coloca el queso en cubos, las aceitunas, el pimiento rojo cortado en cubitos y el ajo picado en un tarro de vidrio limpio. Agrega hierbas y condimentos: espolvorea el orégano, el tomillo, el perejil fresco, la sal y la pimienta sobre los ingredientes en el tarro. Vierte el aceite de oliva: llena el tarro con aceite de oliva, asegurándote de que todos los ingredientes estén cubiertos. Revuelve suavemente para mezclar todo. Marina: cierra el tarro y refrigera por al menos 2 horas (o durante la noche para un sabor más intenso) antes de servir. Pre...
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