This Easy Bruschetta Chicken Recipe is a summertime favorite, especially when tomatoes are in season. This is essentially chicken breast topped with mozzarella cheese and our fresh tomato Bruschetta and drizzled with Balsamic Glaze.
This is so fresh and flavorful. You’ll love that Chicken Bruschetta is a 30-minute dinner and comes together in one pan.
Bruschetta Chicken Recipe
What is Bruschetta Chicken? It combines chicken breast and classic Italian Bruschetta. Instead of the toasts, we’re using chicken breast and it’s served as a main course instead of an appetizer.
If you are looking for a chicken dinner that is impressive yet is so easy to make, it will be this Chicken Bruschetta recipe. Nothing beats the combination of pan-seared chicken breast topped with the Bruschetta mixture and drizzled with our homemade glaze. The bruschetta topping is especially delicious with summer garden tomatoes, but it can also be made year-round with roma tomatoes.
One-pan chicken recipes like our Stuffed Chicken Breast, Creamy Tuscan Chicken, or Chicken Marsala are really simple to make for a weeknight dinner, but look so impressive and are fancy enough to serve when you have guests over.
Ingredients for Chicken Bruschetta
The ingredients are so simple for this recipe and you most likely already have them on hand/
Bruschetta – We used half a portion of our classic Bruschetta Recipe.
Chicken – Boneless skinless chicken breast works best here.
Marinade – to season the chicken, we use salt, pepper, freshly minced garlic, and Italian seasoning along with olive oil.
Balsamic Glaze – We used our homemade Balsamic Glaze, but you can easily substitute for a store-bought glaze with great results.
How to Make Bruschetta Chicken
Make Bruschetta – Make half a portion of Homemade Bruschetta by combining all the ingredients in a bowl and set aside for the flavors to meld.
Beat Chicken – Beat the chicken breasts until even in thickness for even cooking.
Season Chicken – In a bowl, combine the olive oil with minced garlic, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning. Add the chicken and coat on all sides.
Marinate – Marinate the chicken for at least 30 minutes.
Cook Chicken – Cook the chicken 3-5 minutes per side, or until an internal temperature reaches 165ºF on an instant-read thermometer.
Add cheese – Top with cheese and close the lid on the skillet until cheese melts.
Serve – Remove the chicken from heat. Add the tomato mixture and drizzle with the balsamic glaze.
Pro Tip: For the chicken to cook evenly, you’ll want to pound it to an even thickness. Place chicken between two sheets of plastic wrap and pound it to a 1/2″ thickness using either a meat mallet, the back of a heavy saucepan, or even a rolling pin.
To Serve
You could serve Bruschetta Chicken in a sandwich on Focaccia, or as the main course with simple sides. Here are some of our favorite side dishes to serve with Bruschetta Chicken:
Roasted Cauliflower
Creamy Mashed Potatoes
Plain Buttered Pasta
Roasted Asparagus
Cooked Rice
Zucchini Noodles
You can easily make this recipe up to one day in advance. Prep all of the elements of this dish ahead and keep them apart until you are ready to assemble and serve.
Prepare the Bruschetta – cover, and keep it refrigerated.
Cook the chicken breast – cool to room temperature then cover and refrigerate.
Reheat the chicken breast on a skillet and proceed with the recipe by topping with the cheese, bruschetta, and glaze.
Common Questions
Can I freeze the chicken?
You can freeze the chicken breast but the Bruschetta topping is best enjoyed fresh. Tomatoes should not be frozen or they become mushy.
Can I add other vegetables?
Yes, green beans and asparagus will work great in this recipe. We like to cook them separately and serve them alongside the chicken.
Do I have to cook chicken in a skillet?
No, you can use any of your favorite methods for cooked chicken breast. Grilled chicken and baked chicken breast would work great in this recipe as well.
Can I substitute the chicken breast?
If you don’t have chicken breast on hand, chicken tenderloins or chicken thighs will work just fine.
Make this Bruschetta Chicken recipe and everyone will be impressed. It’s a great choice for a light, fresh and flavorful summer dinner, or anytime really.
Easy Bruschetta Chicken Recipe
Prep Time:15minutes
Cook Time:15minutes
Total Time:30minutes
Juicy chicken topped with melty mozzarella cheese, topped with homemade Tomato Bruschetta, and drizzled with Balsamic Glaze. Serve this over pasta, rice, or mashed potatoes. An easy and excellent chicken dinner.
In a bowl, add the diced tomatoes, chopped basil leaves, minced garlic, balsamic vinegar, oil, salt, and pepper and mix until well combined, set aside.
Prepare Chicken:
Beat the chicken until it's even in thickness. In a large bowl add the 2 Tbsp oil, salt, Italian seasoning, black pepper and minced garlic. Add chicken and stir to coat then cover and marinate for 30 minutes.
In a large skillet, over medium heat, heat 1 Tbsp olive oil. Once hot, add the chicken to the skillet and saute for 3-5 minutes per side, or until the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 165ºF on a food thermometer.
Once the chicken is cooked, reduce the heat to low and top each chicken with a slice of cheese. Cover the skillet with a lid and cook until cheese melts.
Remove the chicken from heat. Top each chicken breast with the Bruschetta and drizzle with balsamic glaze before serving.
Pechugas de pollo rellenas de arándanos y espinacas con queso brie Ingredientes: 4 pechugas de pollo deshuesadas y sin piel Sal y pimienta al gusto 4 oz de queso brie, en rodajas 1 taza de espinacas frescas, salteadas 1/2 taza de arándanos rojos secos 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva Romero fresco, para decorar Opcional: arándanos rojos frescos para decorar Instrucciones: Prepara las pechugas de pollo: Precalienta el horno a 375 °F (190 °C). Corta con cuidado cada pechuga de pollo en forma horizontal para crear un bolsillo. Sazona ambos lados con sal y pimienta. Rellena el pollo: Rellena cada bolsillo con rodajas de brie, espinacas salteadas y un puñado de arándanos rojos secos. Usa palillos para asegurar si es necesario. Dorar y hornear: En una sartén apta para horno, calentar el aceite de oliva a fuego medio. Dorar cada pechuga de pollo rellena durante 2-3 minutos por lado hasta que se dore. Transferir la sartén al horno y hornear durante 15-20 minutos, o hast...
Tarro de queso y aceitunas marinado Ingredientes 1 taza de queso en cubos (cheddar, mozzarella o provolone) 1 taza de aceitunas mixtas (verdes, kalamata o negras) 1/2 taza de pimiento rojo cortado en cubitos 1 diente de ajo picado 1 cucharadita de orégano seco 1/2 cucharadita de tomillo seco Perejil fresco picado Sal y pimienta negra al gusto 1 taza de aceite de oliva virgen extra Instrucciones Prepara los ingredientes: coloca el queso en cubos, las aceitunas, el pimiento rojo cortado en cubitos y el ajo picado en un tarro de vidrio limpio. Agrega hierbas y condimentos: espolvorea el orégano, el tomillo, el perejil fresco, la sal y la pimienta sobre los ingredientes en el tarro. Vierte el aceite de oliva: llena el tarro con aceite de oliva, asegurándote de que todos los ingredientes estén cubiertos. Revuelve suavemente para mezclar todo. Marina: cierra el tarro y refrigera por al menos 2 horas (o durante la noche para un sabor más intenso) antes de servir. Pre...
Masa filo en capas con queso brie, salsa de arándanos y nueces Ingredientes: 12 láminas de masa filo, descongeladas 8 oz (225 g) de queso brie, en rodajas finas ½ taza de salsa de arándanos (casera o comprada) ½ taza de nueces tostadas picadas gruesas 3 cucharadas de miel (más extra para rociar) 4 cucharadas de mantequilla derretida (para pincelar la masa filo) Tomillo fresco (opcional, para decorar) Instrucciones: Precaliente el horno: Precaliente el horno a 375 °F (190 °C) y cubra una bandeja para hornear grande con papel pergamino. Prepara las capas de masa filo: Coloca una hoja de masa filo y úntala ligeramente con mantequilla derretida. Coloca otra hoja encima y úntala con más mantequilla. Repite hasta que tengas una pila de 6 hojas. Corta la pila en rectángulos (de unos 10 x 10 cm) y colócalos en la bandeja para hornear preparada. Repite con las hojas de masa filo restantes para crear más capas. Hornea la masa filo: Hornea los rectángulos de ...
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