Homemade Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta is such a simple and quick recipe, perfect for weeknight dinners. Juicy chicken breast tossed in tender pasta in a creamy cajun garlic sauce.
All you need is a slice of Focaccia Bread to soak up the creamy sauce, plus a simple Caesar Salad for a memorable pasta night.
Copycat Cajun Chicken Pasta Recipe
We love recreating our favorite recipes and this copycat recipe for Chili’s Cajun Chicken Pasta recipe is going to become a family favorite!
Creamy pasta with pieces of tender and juicy cajun flavored chicken in the most delicious homemade cajun sauce. You will love all the flavors from the dish and it comes together in under 30 minutes so it’s perfect for busy weeknights. I’m excited to add this to our long lineup of 30-minute meals
Pasta – For this recipe, we used linguine pasta but you can use any type of pasta: angel hair, linguine, fettuccine, elbow, macaroni, penne, bow tie pasta will all work great.
Chicken – We used chicken breasts but chicken thighs will work as well.
Cajun Seasoning– You can use your favorite store-bought cajun seasoning. You’ll also need salt and pepper.
Garlic– Freshly minced or finely chopped garlic will give the best flavor, but you can substitute with 1 tsp dried garlic, or add it to taste.
Butter – for sauteing garlic and adds flavor to the sauce.
Heavy Whipping Cream – Makes the sauce rich and creamy.
Parmesan – Grated parmesan cheese or shredded parmesan will work great.
How to Make Cajun Chicken Pasta
Cook Pasta – boil in a pot of salted water until al dente, according to the package instructions.
Prepare Chicken – Using a meat mallet or the bottom of a saucepan, pound the chicken breasts into an even thickness and season both sides with cajun seasoning. Saute the chicken in a skillet with oil until fully cooked then slice into strips.
Make the Sauce – In a deep skillet, saute the garlic in butter 30-60 seconds or until fragrant. Add the diced tomatoes and saute for about 2 minutes. Add the cream, remaining cajun seasoning, and parmesan cheese and bring to a simmer.
Combine – Add the pasta and sliced chicken to the sauce and toss to combine.
Serve – Top with parmesan and parsley to serve.
Pro Tip: You can adjust the spiciness in the pasta by adding more or less of the Cajun seasoning.
Variations and Add-Ins
Vegetables – you can add cooked broccoli or asparagus to the pasta when tossing everything together.
Vegetarian pasta – leave out the chicken or substitute chicken with mushrooms.
Substitute the chicken – try sliced sausage or kielbasa instead of chicken. You can also make it a seafood pasta like our Cajun Shrimp Pasta.
Lighter pasta – try using half and half or light cream to cut the calories, but keep in mind the sauce will be thinner.
Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta
Prep Time:10minutes
Cook Time:20minutes
Total Time:30minutes
Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta is such a simple and quick recipe, perfect for weeknight dinners. Juicy chicken breast tossed with tender pasta in a creamy cajun garlic sauce, ready in 30 minutes.
2Tbspcajun seasoning, divided, (or added to taste depending on the brand you use*)
3garlic cloves, minced
2/3cupdiced tomatoes
1 1/2cupheavy whipping cream
1/2cupgrated parmesan cheese
2Tbspparsley, finely chopped, to serve
Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add 1 Tbsp salt. Cook pasta according to package instructions until al dente. Reserve 1/2 cup of pasta water then drain, cover, and keep warm.
Beat the chicken breasts so that they are even in thickness and season all over with 1½ Tbsp cajun seasoning.
In a large non-reactive skillet*, heat 2 tsp oil over medium-high heat. Once hot, add the chicken and sear on both sides. Turn heat down to low and saute until cooked through and 165˚F on a thermometer. Transfer to a cutting board, slice into thin strips, and cover to keep warm.
In the same skillet over medium heat, saute the butter and garlic for 30-60 seconds or until the garlic is fragrant. Add the diced tomatoes and saute another 2 minutes.
Add in the heavy whipping cream, add remaining cajun seasoning to taste, and parmesan cheese, and bring to a simmer. Season to taste if needed.
Add the sliced chicken and cooked pasta to the sauce and toss until combined and pasta and chicken are warmed through. Add warm reserved pasta water if desired to thin the sauce. Serve with freshly grated parmesan and chopped parsley.
Recipe Notes
*Avoid using cast iron or copper pans anytime you are making a creamy sauce with an acidic product like tomato or it will react and make the sauce grainy.
*If you are using a cajun seasoning that has a high salt content, start with half of the seasoning and add more to taste.
Pechugas de pollo rellenas de arándanos y espinacas con queso brie Ingredientes: 4 pechugas de pollo deshuesadas y sin piel Sal y pimienta al gusto 4 oz de queso brie, en rodajas 1 taza de espinacas frescas, salteadas 1/2 taza de arándanos rojos secos 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva Romero fresco, para decorar Opcional: arándanos rojos frescos para decorar Instrucciones: Prepara las pechugas de pollo: Precalienta el horno a 375 °F (190 °C). Corta con cuidado cada pechuga de pollo en forma horizontal para crear un bolsillo. Sazona ambos lados con sal y pimienta. Rellena el pollo: Rellena cada bolsillo con rodajas de brie, espinacas salteadas y un puñado de arándanos rojos secos. Usa palillos para asegurar si es necesario. Dorar y hornear: En una sartén apta para horno, calentar el aceite de oliva a fuego medio. Dorar cada pechuga de pollo rellena durante 2-3 minutos por lado hasta que se dore. Transferir la sartén al horno y hornear durante 15-20 minutos, o hast...
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