Chimichurri Chicken is chicken that is marinated in homemade Chimichurri Sauce then grilled (or sauteed) and topped with more of that vibrant fresh Argentinian Chimichurri.
Chimichurri sauce is not only an amazing topping for Steak, Grilled Pork, and protein, but it’s an incredible marinade. It is vibrant, healthy, packed with flavor, and doesn’t require lengthy marinating for tender, tasty chicken.
Chimichurri Chicken Recipe
Chimichurri sauce is a simple way to upgrade your chicken and make dinner exciting. You can sautee this on a skillet or put it on the grill – both methods work great, so you can enjoy Chicken with Chimichurri all year long. We love using staple sauces to elevate meats as we did with Bruschetta Chicken and Pesto Chicken. Once you have the Chimichurri sauce down (and it’s literally a 5-minute recipe), you’ll want this in your recipe repertoire. It adds so much fresh flavor. Here’s why we love this recipe:
Easy – the sauce is quick to make, keeps well, and serves as the marinade and topping in one.
Quick – The red wine vinegar in the sauce is a great tenderizer and you only need to marinate it for 15 minutes, although you can also marinate it overnight for a make-ahead option.
So Tasty – chimichurri is mouthwatering with all the fresh parsley and garlic. It’s one of the most exciting chicken recipes you’ll try.
Versatile – you can grill or sautee this chicken on the stovetop.
Ingredients for Chicken with Chimichurri
This is one of the easiest chicken recipes and there are 3 simple parts to it:
Chicken thighs – we use thigh meat because it is juicier, more forgiving and naturally has more flavor.
Chimichurri sauce – homemade chimichurri sauce is best because it’s loaded with fresh parsley, garlic, red wine vinegar, and olive oil and seasoned with oregano, red pepper flakes, salt, and pepper. We use half of it for the marinade and half of it for the topping.
Salt – we use 1/2 tsp of fine sea salt for perfectly seasoned chicken.
How to Make Chimichurri Chicken
Since the sauce doubles as the marinade and topping, this recipe is truly easy to make.
Make Chimichurri – you’ll want to let it meld in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or overnight.
Marinate chicken – put the chicken into a bowl, add half of the chimichurri sauce and salt and stir to combine. Cover and marinate for 15 minutes or refrigerate overnight.
Cook – You can grill the chicken at 425˚F or over medium/high heat for about 5 minutes per side or sautee it over medium heat for 5-7 minutes per side. For the stovetop, heat a skillet over medium heat with olive oil and sautee for 5-7 minutes per side until cooked through.
Add more sauce – transfer the chicken to a serving platter
Chimichurri Chicken Recipe
Prep Time:20minutes
Cook Time:10minutes
Marinating Time:15minutesminutes
Total Time:45minutes
You can make this Chimichurri Chicken on the grill or on the stovetop. Marinating the chicken in chimichurri sauce tenderizes it and topping with more chimichurri adds so much vibrant flavor. See all of our tips for making the Best Chimichurri here
Author:Natasha Kravchuk
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Argentinian
Keyword: chicken chimichurri, Chicken with Chimichurri, Chimichurri Chicken
1cup flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped from 1 bunch
4garlic cloves, finely minced
1/3cupextra virgin olive oil
2 1/2Tbspred wine vinegar
1/2 tspdried oregano, or 1 Tbsp fresh oregano
1/2tspfine sea salt
1/4tsp freshly ground black pepper
1/4tspcrushed red pepper flakes
Prepare the Chimichurri sauce by combining all of the ingredients in a bowl in the order listed. Stir together, cover, and refrigerate for 2 hours or overnight.
Place chicken into a mixing bowl and add 1/2 tsp salt and half of the prepared Chimichurri sauce. Cover and marinate for 15 minutes or refrigerate overnight if making ahead.*
To Grill the Chicken: Preheat the grill over medium/high heat. Place chicken smooth-side-down on the hot grates, cover, and grill for 5-7 minutes per side, or until the internal temperature reaches 165˚F at the thickest point with an instant-read thermometer.
To Sautee the Chicken: Preheat a heavy skillet over medium heat and add 1 Tbsp olive oil. Add chicken smooth-side-down and sautee 5-7 minutes per side or until cooked through and 165˚F at the thickest point.
To Serve the chicken, arrange it on a platter and spoon on the remaining chimichurri sauce then serve right away.
Recipe Notes
*If marinating the chicken in the refrigerator overnight, take it out of the refrigerator 15 minutes before grilling to bring it to room temperature for even cooking.
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