Baked BBQ Chicken Thighs are ultra-juicy and so full of flavor, smothered in our family-favorite sweet and sticky homemade BBQ sauce. This is an easy, versatile chicken dinner that you’ll want to make for friends and family year-round.
We love our favorite meats smothered with BBQ flavor, from Instant Pot Ribs to Burgers. If you love the smoky sweetness of BBQ foods, wait until you taste these Baked BBQ Chicken thighs.
Juicy BBQ Baked Chicken Thighs
These baked BBQ chicken thighs are simple to make and come out unbelievably saucy and juicy. Savory barbecue sauce carmelizes over the thighs to lock in all the tenderness and flavor.
We’ve made this chicken thighs recipe so many times, either for family dinners or for friends when we entertain. We’ve even tripled the recipe for a teacher’s appreciation lunch at our kids’ school. Nothing beats boneless thighs smothered in smoky, sticky-sweet flavor.
Why You’ll Love This Easy Chicken Recipe
This BBQ chicken is one of our family’s favorite weeknight meals. Here’s why you’ll love it, too:
Flavorful – These thighs are rich and smoky, and a little sweet from the BBQ Sauce. But your preferred sauce will also work perfectly.
All-Season – Enjoy this tasty BBQ chicken year-round. Baking your boneless chicken thighs in the oven is super easy, or fire up the grill during grilling season.
Great for a Crowd – Double or even triple the batch if you need a generous amount of chicken (or if you just want leftovers). Be sure to scroll for the make-ahead tips below.
The key to perfectly flavorful BBQ baked chicken thighs lies in just a handful of ingredients, summarized below. Don’t forget to refer to the recipe card for the full details.
Chicken Thighs – You’ll need between 2 and 2 ½ pounds of boneless, skinless chicken thighs. Remember to trim the chicken of excess fat before you start.
Oil – Use a good-quality cooking oil, like olive oil or avocado oil.
Seasoning – We season our chicken thighs with a combination of sea salt and fresh cracked pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder for extra flavor.
BBQ Sauce – Use your preferred brand of store-bought BBQ sauce, or make your own using our recipe for tasty homemade BBQ sauce
Pro Tip: You can definitely use bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs for this recipe if you prefer. Bone-in thighs take longer to bake, though. Refer to the baking instructions for our Honey Mustard Chicken Thighs.
How to make BBQ Chicken Thighs in the Oven
First, line a baking sheet with parchment paper while you preheat the oven to 400ºF. Now, let’s make some juicy baked BBQ chicken thighs:
Season the Chicken – Add chicken thighs to a bowl along with the oil and seasonings and toss to coat.
Add BBQ Sauce – Stir in about half of the BBQ sauce so that the chicken is evenly coated.
Bake – Place the chicken thighs onto your prepared baking sheet with the smooth side (what would be the skin side) facing down. Bake for 20 minutes, flip, then brush the leftover BBQ sauce over the other side. Return the chicken to the oven to bake for another 10 minutes.
Broil – Lastly, you’ll want to get the BBQ sauce nice and caramelized. Switch the oven to broil, keeping an eye on the chicken while it cooks for another 3-5 minutes, or until the sauce is set. Once the chicken is out of the oven, leave it to rest for a few minutes before serving. See below for easy serving ideas.
Pro Tip: Don’t forget to line your pan for easy clean-up. It’s difficult to scrub burnt sugar off of a baking sheet.
Can I Prepare This Chicken Ahead?
Absolutely. This BBQ chicken is very make-ahead friendly, so you can get a headstart on the recipe if you’re expecting a crowd.
Marinate Ahead: After the chicken thighs are oiled and seasoned (leave the BBQ sauce off for now), cover and refrigerate the uncooked chicken for up to 2 days.
Keep Warm: To keep the cooked chicken warm until you’re ready to serve it, transfer it to a slow cooker as soon as they come out of the oven and set it to the “keep warm” setting for up to 4 hours.
Common Questions
How can I tell when the chicken thighs are done baking?
Chicken is cooked when the internal temperature reaches 165ºF on an instant-read thermometer.
Can I use chicken breast instead?
Yes, you can make this recipe using chicken breasts in place of thighs. Bake the chicken for 22-26 minutes at 400ºF.
How many chicken thighs are in 2 lbs?
Two pounds is about 8 chicken thighs. You can scale this recipe up or down as needed.
Can I grill these chicken thighs instead?
Absolutely. These chicken thighs will take about 24-30 minutes on the grill. Refer to our recipe for Grilled Chicken Thighs for details.
Can I cook these in the air fryer?
Yes, follow our Air Fryer Chicken thighs instructions for boneless skinless thighs, and air fry for 12-15 minutes at 375, basting with sauce halfway through after flipping.
Serve With
Looking for tasty sides to turn this saucy BBQ chicken into a meal? Try these ideas:
Potatoes – You can’t go wrong with Air Fryer Roasted Potatoes or Smashed Potatoes.
Salad – Pair chicken with an easy Garden Salad or a side of Coleslaw.
Vegetables – Serve with a classic BBQ side of Boiled Corn on the Cob.
Storing and Reheating Leftovers
According to the FDA guidelines, cooked chicken can be left at room temperature for up 2 hours. After this, you’ll need to refrigerate or freeze the baked BBQ chicken.
To Refrigerate: Store the cooked chicken thighs airtight and keep them in the fridge for up to 3-4 days.
Reheating: Warm leftover BBQ chicken thighs in the oven at 350ºF, covered, until they’re hot throughout. You can also reheat in the air fryer for 4-5 minutes.
To Freeze: Store the baked chicken thighs in an airtight, freezer-safe container or zip-top bag and keep them frozen for up to 3-4 months. Thaw the chicken in the fridge overnight before reheating.
We hope you’ll get as much mileage out of this easy, baked BBQ chicken thighs recipe as we have! It’s the perfect meal whenever you’re craving those delicious smoky BBQ flavors. Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Baked BBQ Chicken Thighs Recipe
Prep Time:10minutes
Cook Time:35minutes
Total Time:45minutes
Baked BBQ Chicken Thighs are an easy dinner idea that's fully loaded with flavor. This chicken thighs recipe is ultra juicy, smothered in sweet and smoky homemade BBQ sauce.
Preheat the oven to 400ºF with a rack in the center of the oven. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.
Set chicken into a mixing bowl (or zip-top bag). Drizzle with oil and season with salt, pepper, onion, and garlic powder. Mix until evenly coated with seasonings.
Pour half of the bbq sauce over the chicken and stir to evenly coat.
Arrange chicken thighs on a baking sheet with the smooth side down. Bake for 20 minutes then flip the chicken over, brush with the remaining bbq sauce, and bake for another 10 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches at least 165°F on an instant-read thermometer.
Set the oven to broil and continue baking for 3-5 minutes to caramelize and set the bbq sauce. Keep an eye on it so it doesn’t burn. Rest for at least 5 minutes then serve with more bbq sauce if desired.
Pechugas de pollo rellenas de arándanos y espinacas con queso brie Ingredientes: 4 pechugas de pollo deshuesadas y sin piel Sal y pimienta al gusto 4 oz de queso brie, en rodajas 1 taza de espinacas frescas, salteadas 1/2 taza de arándanos rojos secos 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva Romero fresco, para decorar Opcional: arándanos rojos frescos para decorar Instrucciones: Prepara las pechugas de pollo: Precalienta el horno a 375 °F (190 °C). Corta con cuidado cada pechuga de pollo en forma horizontal para crear un bolsillo. Sazona ambos lados con sal y pimienta. Rellena el pollo: Rellena cada bolsillo con rodajas de brie, espinacas salteadas y un puñado de arándanos rojos secos. Usa palillos para asegurar si es necesario. Dorar y hornear: En una sartén apta para horno, calentar el aceite de oliva a fuego medio. Dorar cada pechuga de pollo rellena durante 2-3 minutos por lado hasta que se dore. Transferir la sartén al horno y hornear durante 15-20 minutos, o hast...
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