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Air Fryer Chicken Wings (Extra Crispy!)

Air Fryer Chicken Wings (Extra Crispy!)

These Air Fryer Chicken Wings have crisp salty skin with a hint of garlic and lemon pepper in every bite. These are seasoned to perfection and cook so fast with no marinating required!

We love crispy baked chicken like my Mom’s famous Chicken Drumsticks these Garlic Dijon Baked Chicken Legs or baked Honey Glazed Chicken but the air fryer is our new best friend for chicken because it’s so much faster and memorably crispy!

Air Fryer Chicken Wings in bowl with celery

Air Fryer Chicken Wings Recipe:

Chicken wings in the air fryer is brilliant and you will be making chicken way more often if you try them in the air fryer. The forced circulating hot air makes the skin super crisp which is difficult to achieve in a conventional oven and the center is perfectly cooked, tender and juicy.

Air fried chicken wings cook time is just 16 minutes (3 times faster than a traditional oven). There’s no need to preheat an air fryer which makes this the fastest crispy chicken wings recipe.

Bitten into Air Fryer chicken wing up close

Can I Double the Recipe?

For all-around crispy chicken wings, it’s best to keep the wings in a single layer. If you have a larger air fryer like our Cuisinart model, you can double everything. When doubling, air fry for 18-22 minutes, or until the skin is crisp, flipping the wings half way. Bake time will vary based on the surface area of your air fryer basket.

chicken wings on air fryer basket

What is the Best Air Fryer?

There are 2 very different styles of air fryers. The first type is a toaster oven style with a little oven door like this Cuisinart model that we have, this Cosori model that my sister has, or this fancy one by Breville.

The second type is a slide-in drawer/basket type like the Phillips air fryer, Gourmia or Nuwave brands. We prefer the Cuisinart toaster oven style air fryer because it can accommodate more food and serves a variety of functions. It replaced our old toaster oven because it air fries, bakes, broils and toasts.

best air fryer

Can I Bake these in a traditional oven?

It takes significantly longer to achieve crispy chicken wings in the oven. To bake these chicken wings in a conventional oven, preheat oven to 400˚F and bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until crispy, flipping the wings after 30 minutes.

Air Fryer chicken wings garnished with parsley in blue bowl

How to Make Air Fryer Chicken Wings:

The dry rub for these chicken wings is so simple with our go-to spices for baked, sautéed or air fried chicken. All you need is garlic salt and lemon pepper.

Ingredients for air fryer chicken with wings, drummettes, garlic salt and lemon pepper

Toss the wings in a little oil and the 2 seasonings, arrange them on the basket and bake right away. You can let them marinate if you prefer but there’s no need to pre-marinate.

Dry rub for chicken wings

These Air Fried Chicken Wings have a crisp salty skin with a tender center. Pair them with fresh celery and avocado ranch to dip and let the snacking begin!

Crispy air fried chicken wings with celery sticks

Air Fryer Chicken Wings

Prep Time: 4 minutes
Cook Time: 16 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Air Fryer chicken wings in bowl with celery
Air Fryer Chicken Wings have crisp salty skin with a hint of garlic and lemon pepper in every bite. These are seasoned to perfection and cook so fast with no marinating required!

Author: Natasha Kravchuk
Course: Appetizer, Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: air fryer chicken wings
Skill Level: Easy
Cost to Make: $4-$6
Calories: 168
Servings: 4 people


  • 1 lb chicken wingssplit into flats and drummettes
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tsp garlic salt
  • 1 tsp lemon pepper


  1. Thoroughly pat dry chicken wings with paper towels and place in a mixing bowl.
  2. Coat in 1 Tbsp oil then sprinkle on 2 tsp garlic salt and 1 tsp lemon pepper. Toss to evenly coat with seasoning.

  3. Place on air frying basket, spacing evenly and air fry at 400˚F for 8 minutes per side, or a total of 16 minutes, or until chicken wings are crisp and golden brown on the outside.

Recipe Notes

If Doubling the recipe: air fry for 18-22 minutes, or until the skin is crisp, flipping the wings half way. Bake time will vary based on the surface area of your air fryer basket.


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