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How to Make Scrambled Eggs

 Learn How to Make Scrambled Eggs that are soft, fluffy, and so satisfying. Watch the simple technique in the video tutorial below. This method is golden and produces the best Scrambled Eggs.

Eggs are a staple ingredient in our breakfast rotation so we’ve perfected our favorite ways to cook them, from Poached Eggs to Boiled Eggs. This Scrambled Egg recipe is another versatile breakfast that anyone can master. 

Fluffy scrambled eggs on a plate garnished with chives, next to crispy bacon and a fork.

Perfect Scrambled Eggs Recipe

Move over, Gordon Ramsay (also, just kidding in case he ever reads this, in that case, heyyy!) We’re making the best scrambled eggs that are light, fluffy, airy, and so easy. All you need are eggs, milk, salt, a pat of butter, and 5 minutes. The result is soft and creamy eggs that are rich in protein and flavor. 

Scrambled eggs are one of the most versatile breakfast foods. Since they don’t require any prep or lead time, they’re perfect for busy mornings and leisurely weekend brunches. Serve them in Breakfast Burritos with Homemade Tortillas, or keep it classic with a side of Crispy Oven-Baked Bacon. You’ll always find new ways to eat them!


Below is a short list of what you’ll need to make scrambled eggs. Don’t forget to scroll to the recipe card with the full ingredient measurements and recipe details:

  • Eggs – Our star ingredient. Fresh eggs are best for the creamiest scramble. 
  • Milk – Any milk will work to whisk into the eggs before you scramble them. The added moisture makes the eggs extra soft. You can also use water.
  • Salt – We use fine sea salt to enhance the flavor of the eggs.
  • Butter – You’ll need unsalted butter for cooking the eggs in the pan, or substitute it with olive oil for dairy free.
  • Garnish – Finely chopped chives and freshly cracked black pepper for serving. This is optional, but it does bring an additional depth of flavor to your eggs. See below for more scrambled egg topping ideas.

Tips for the Best Scrambled Eggs

  • Patience – don’t try to rush the process, continue scraping the bottom of the skillet to lift the cooked part of the egg.
  • Lower Heat – keep the skillet over medium-low heat so you don’t overcook parts of the egg.
  • Don’t Overmix – Avoid over-scrambling and over-cooking, as your eggs will turn out deflated and crumbly.
  • Turn off the heat early – Remember, the residual heat from the skillet will continue cooking your eggs even when you turn off the heat, so turn it off just before it reaches your desired doneness.

How to Make Scrambled Eggs

Making delicious and fluffy scrambled eggs is a quick, 3-step process. This is our tried-and-tested technique that creates the best eggs every time:

  1. Combine – First, whisk together the eggs with a bit of milk and salt. You’ll want to beat the eggs well so they’re evenly combined.
  2. Heat – Melt butter in a non-stick skillet over medium-low, then add the beaten eggs. Allow the eggs to sit until they’re set at the edges.
  3. Scramble – Use a silicone spatula to slowly pull the cooked edges inwards, towards the middle of the pan. Continue to gently scrape the eggs in circles, letting the liquid eggs take the place of the cooked ones until you have a soft, fluffy scramble. Remove the pan from the heat just before they reach your desired doneness so they don’t overcook.

Scrambled Egg Toppings

If you want to turn your scrambled eggs into a full breakfast, try these toppings and sides:

  • Shredded Cheese – We love mozzarella. The heat from the eggs makes it all melty and delicious.
  • Diced Tomatoes – try whole diced tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, or cherry tomatoes
  • Bacon – Bacon and eggs are a perfect pair.
  • Herbs – Finely chopped chives, basil, or thyme leaves.
  • Sauces – Give the eggs a drizzle of hot sauce (like Sriracha or Tabasco)
  • Salsa – For a Southwestern twist, top your eggs with Pico De Gallo or Roasted Tomato Salsa.

Common Questions

Should salt be added to scrambled eggs?

There’s an age-old debate on whether salt should be added at the beginning, or at the end when scrambling eggs. I can never tell the difference. My husband adds salt at the end while I always add it at the beginning so I don’t forget!

Should I pepper my eggs?

I prefer to use black pepper as a garnish after the eggs are cooked. Otherwise, it tends to sink to the bottom of the pan, creating an unappealing layer of pepper rather than dispersing through the eggs.

Can I double the recipe?

Yes, though I’d recommend using a larger non-stick pan.

How do I get creamy scrambled eggs?

The beauty of this recipe is you can cook the eggs to your desired doneness. Turn off the heat just before the eggs get to your desired tenderness.


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