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I’ve been making these for years and people lose their mind over them every time. They seem like a special homemade treat

I’ve been making these for years and people lose their mind over them every time. They seem like a special homemade treat

This recipe offers a fun twist on dinner TV rolls, turning them into a delightful savory party snack or light meal. The cream cheese and sour cream filling is mixed with colorful chopped vegetables and a touch of spice, creating a flavorful and satisfying option.

Here’s a breakdown of the ingredients (in a table) and instructions to create these delicious TV rolls:


Dinner Rolls4
Cream Cheese100 g (softened)
Sour Cream100 g
Grated Cheese2 tablespoons
Bell Pepper (chopped)½ (yellow, orange, or red)
Salami or Beef (chopped)2 slices
Fresh Mushrooms (chopped)2
Tomato Paste3 cm (from a tube)
Salt and PepperTo taste
Sweet Paprika PowderTo taste
Parsley (chopped)For garnish
Optional Ingredients:
Aromat, Fondor, or Maggi SeasoningTo taste
CornTo taste
Herb ButterFor spreading (optional)


  1. Preheat the Oven: Turn on your convection oven and preheat it to 150°C (300°F).

  2. Prepare the Rolls: Halve the dinner rolls using a serrated knife.

  3. Make the Filling: In a mixing bowl, combine the softened cream cheese and sour cream. Stir them together until well blended and smooth.

  4. Chop the Ingredients: Finely chop the bell pepper (choose your preferred color – yellow, orange, or red), salami or beef slices, and fresh mushrooms.

  5. Combine and Season: Add the chopped vegetables, meat, and tomato paste to the cream cheese mixture. Fold everything together gently to incorporate the ingredients evenly. Season with salt, pepper, and sweet paprika powder to your taste. You can also add a sprinkle of Aromat, Fondor, or Maggi seasoning for an extra savory kick (these are optional ingredients). If using corn, fold it in at this step as well.

  6. Optional Herb Butter: If you prefer a richer base, spread a thin layer of herb butter on the halved rolls before adding the filling.

  7. Fill and Bake: Spread a generous spoonful (about a heaped tablespoon) of the filling mixture onto each roll half.

  8. Bake Until Golden Brown: Place the filled rolls on a baking sheet and bake them in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes, or until the tops are golden brown and crispy.

  9. Serve and Enjoy: Take the rolls out of the oven and garnish them with chopped fresh parsley for a touch of color. Serve them warm as a party snack, light lunch, or even a fun dinner option alongside a green salad.


  • Feel free to experiment with different vegetables and meats in the filling based on your preferences. Chopped cooked chicken, olives, or sun-dried tomatoes would all be delicious additions.
  • If you don’t have convection setting in your oven, you can use a regular oven setting at 150°C (300°F) but adjust the baking time as needed, checking for golden brown tops.


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